Halloween Candy: The Best And Worst Choices For Your Smile

We're not kids anymore, so instead of waiting for the dentist to scold us about cavities every time we sit in the chair, let's be a bit more mindful about the sweet stuff and its effects on our mouth, since the biggest candy holiday of the year is rapidly approaching — Halloween.

All right, we'll admit, we usually don't hold back when the office candy bowl comes out around this time of year, but maybe instead of six Snickers fun-size bars, we'll have three. As for Laffy Taffy, Starburst, and Sweet Tarts — we'll try our best to just eat half the pack. Sounds like a good start, right?

Instead of us just guessing about the effects of our candy gorging this season, we thought it best to talk to a pro: a cosmetic dentist. Meet Dr. Timothy Chase, a 15-year veteran of cosmetic dentistry in New York City.

He's here to set the record straight on how to maintain a healthy smile during the Halloween season.

Today Meal: What is the best candy to eat? 

Timothy Chase: Plain chocolate without anything sticky.

TDM: What is the worst? 

TC: The super sticky stuff, like taffy or hard candies that take a long time to eat.

TDM: Which is worse, chocolate or sweet and sour candy? 

TC: It's not really the sugar content, it's the delivery vehicle of the sugar — the sticky stuff that sticks to your teeth or the candy that you hold in your mouth a long time is the worst.

TDM: How many pieces should people limit themselves to? 

TC: The recommended serving size all at once; grazing is no good for you.

TDM: What is the best way to protect your smile after eating candy

TC: After candy, drinking water to rinse the sugar residue from your mouth is the best, followed by brushing your teeth, but wait at least a half hour — brushing right after you eat can lead to tooth abrasion.