Greek-Style Roasted Chicken And Potatoes

Greek-Style Roasted Chicken And Potatoes
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Few things beat the simplicity of a roasted chicken with potatoes. Perfect for any occasion, this one-pan meal is affordable, uses only a couple of ingredients, takes only a few minutes to prepare, and satisfies even the most picky eaters. As you may know, I am a lucky girl to have married into a Greek family. My mother-in-law makes roast chicken and potatoes for Sunday night dinners when she feels too tired to make anything “fancy.” I too consider this dish fancy in what it delivers in flavor, texture, and overall appeal. The classic Greek flavor combination is garlic, oregano, and lemon. Just about anything that is roasted, i.e. potatoes or rice with any given meat, fish, etc., that has this Greek flavor trifecta delivers a home run. For this roast, I decided to try something a little fancier — to put thin slices of oregano-coated lemons under the chicken skin. I figured this would not only look pretty but also protect the breast from overcooking. And I was definitely right on both accounts, but I must add that the lemon pith gave a slightly bitter taste to the chicken. If you do not prefer that slight lemon bitterness, just use the juice of the lemon for this recipe. Another adjustment I made to the classic Greek variation is to leave the skin on the potatoes to keep the nutritional value intact and add textural appeal. This roast is best paired with a fresh seasonal salad of your choice.