Five Places To Gift Shop In Salt Lake City

You might be visiting Salt Lake for business, perhaps you have a convention to attend. Or you might just be there for fun, hitting the slopes! For whatever reason you're traveling, there is probably someone important back at home you need to bring a gift home for. Today Meal shares the scoop on the best places to buy gifts in Salt Lake, for anyone on your list.

The Kids- Take the time to visit JouJou, one of the greatest toy stores you'll find just about anywhere. This little shop is located in The Grand America Hotel, which was built to handle the influx of visitors to the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics. JouJou might be small but they have unique puzzles, wooden toys, books, tutus, and more, that will please your kids. Plan to spend more time browsing then you think you'll need, grownups will be equally enchanted by the displays, as the children will be by their gifts.

The Sweetheart- There is no better gift for your sweetheart then chocolates or other confections. La Bonne Vie, meaning the good life, is a charming little bakery also located in The Grand America Hotel. The beautiful multi-colored macaroons or other little treats will absolutely delight. It probably wouldn't hurt to bring back something for your sister too.

The Boss- Take a short trip to Park City, about 20 minutes outside of Salt Lake. Enjoy the gorgeous views on the drive up and stop for lunch at the High West Distillery and Saloon. In addition to a juicy monster burger and fun lunch cocktails, you can pick up a bottle of the fine whiskey distilled right on site. This is a gift that will be sure to put you in the bosses good graces when you get back from vacation.

The Foodie- Obviously the best gift for any foodie, is food. Tony Caputo's Market is just the place to go. The bastion of Italian cooking has wonderful dry goods like handmade pastas, oils and vinegars imported from Italy, and a gigantic selection of chocolates made with eclectic ingredients. You'll find the perfect gift here for anyone who loves to eat or cook.

The Fashionista- Modern Family's Ty Burrell has partnered with the Barnard family to bring back Salt Lake's favorite boutique, The Chalk Garden Co-op. This unique shop has everything: designer clothes, vintage style bags, and other shiny little treasures that will delight your family fashionista. You'll have fun shopping too as you discover fun quirks about the place as you browse. For example, Chalk Garden is housed in a former bank building with the old vaults acting as dressing rooms.

Just About Everyone- For pretty much anyone and everyone on your shopping list it's a pretty safe bet to visit the City Creek shopping center. This mixed use space houses both trendy apartments and retail. Plenty of your favorite stores are at City Creek including: Nordstrom's, Michael Kors, Apple, and Tiffany's. You'll have a pleasant shopping experience walking beside the creek running through the building. You can also shop rain or shine thanks to a retractable glass roof, that can be left open or closed as needed.
