This Is The One Recipe Ina Garten Can Never Get Right

Sometimes, it seems like there's nothing that the "Barefoot Contessa," Ina Garten, can't do. The cookbook author and Food Network host is the queen of home cooking, known for her legendary dinner parties and love of her husband Jeffery.

So while it seems like no recipe would escape the mastery of Ina Garten, that isn't the case.

In an interview with Time, Garten revealed the one dish she's tried over and over again to perfect for her cookbooks but hasn't been able to get right: the Boston cream pie.

Yes, that tricky old beast: the cake that calls itself a pie. The yellow butter cake with a custard filling and chocolate glaze on top has tripped up Garten for years now. "I've been working on Boston cream pie for about three books, and I haven't gotten the balance and flavors and textures quite right," she said.

So if you're looking to one of Garten's 10 cookbooks for Boston cream pie, you won't find it. However, we have a great recipe here at Today Meal for a Boston cream pie from the Omni Parker House Bakery in Boston. Their recipe for Boston cream pie became so popular that in 1958 it was turned into a Betty Crocker boxed mix.

So, don't worry, Ina — and don't worry, America. We're here to help you bake a beautiful, authentic, and delicious Boston cream pie.