15 First Date Mistakes You're Probably Making Gallery

First dates are exciting because they open a world of possibility. This person that you maybe swiped right on, saw around the office, or even met in the deli aisle has the potential to be the love of your life. You want to present your best self to this person. You want to pick the best restaurant or bar, look great, smell great, and have engaging conversation. But you might be making a ton of mistakes on your road to discovering if they are "the one" — or even a "one."

That tasty-sounding garlic pasta you were thinking of ordering might make your date recoil from your breath. But if you're already bathed in cologne, they might be recoiling from the smell anyway. If you've forgotten their name or what they do for a living, you might want to consider actually listening to what they have to say. However, don't worry about it if you've spent the past 10 minutes checking your phone. They already know you don't care. You really should stop mentioning your ex, how much money you make, or the fact that you just had a colonoscopy — it's ruining your date.

Many of the little things you may not realize you're doing can be deal breakers to the other person and can scare them away from your potential lifetime of happiness. Before you go on your next date, make sure to avoid these 15 first date mistakes you're probably making.

Being Fashionably Late

Being late to a date is always a big mistake. Nothing reads more like "sorry, I didn't want to come" than showing up 15 or 20 minutes late to your plans. Delays happen, but always text your date to let them know if it's going to be a minute — or 10.

Checking Your Phone

Checking your phone while you're on a date signals disinterest. Put your phone away in your pocket or purse. If it's an emergency and you must have it out, let your date know — although you really shouldn't even be on a date if something that pressing is going on.

Getting Drunk

Getting drunk on a date is incredibly tacky. It's one thing if you and your date agree to have a couple of drinks, but it's next-level rude to get shwasted — especially if your date is not following suit. If you're that thirsty, drink some water.

Going Somewhere Overpriced

While it may seem impressive to take your date somewhere fancy, you can totally ball on a budget. Many chain restaurants have excellent happy hours. There's no need to take them to one of the most expensive restaurants in your state!

Not Listening

If you find that you're just waiting for your turn to talk and not listening to what your date has to say, you should probably not be dating at all. Get off Tinder. Start a podcast or weekly therapy.

Not Making a Reservation

If you do plan on taking your date out for dinner or drinks somewhere incredibly popular or fancy, you should definitely make a reservation. Without one, you and your date might be waiting a long time for a table.

Not Offering to Pay for Yourself

It doesn't matter if you don't want to, you should at least offer to pay your portion of the bill.

Ordering Smelly Foods

Think twice before ordering that double garlic hummus spread or onion and anchovy pizza. People in close proximity to you (for instance, your date) might not appreciate the smell — especially when you're leaning in for a goodnight kiss.


It's one thing to tell your date a little about yourself, but save the story about why your parents divorced and the fact that your cat suffers from IBS until at least date two.

Picking Too Loud of a Place

No one wants to have to shout "What??" every other sentence. Pick a spot where your date can actually hear you.

Talking About Money

Although you might think you're being impressive by talking about how much money you make, you're actually coming off like a real jerk. Don't talk about money on a first date! If you're trying to impress, consider tipping your server well.

Talking About Your Ex

It's fine to mention a previous relationship, but talking too much about your ex can signal to your date that you're not over them or that there is some sort of unresolved history there. Either sort out your feelings or don't go on the date!

Talking Too Much About Yourself

It's great that you want your potential future partner to get to know you, but let them have a turn to talk. You might actually learn something interesting — or something terrible!

Using Terms of Endearment

It's weird and off-putting to call someone you swiped right on or have seen around the office a handful of times a term of endearment. Don't call them "babe," "baby," "honey," "sweetie," or anything but their name. It's the first date!

Wearing Too Much Perfume or Cologne

Your date doesn't need to smell you coming from a mile away. However, if you've eaten something particularly fragrant before your date — they might anyway. Avoid these 21 foods before a date. They're making you smell bad.

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