Tamera Mowry Talks Parenting And Pancakes

Tamera Mowry and her twin sister Tia were the stars of the hit TV series Sister Sister for six seasons. Today, Tamera is a full-time mother and one of five hosts of The Real, a talk show that celebrates women, their successes and challenges, and Tia hosts Tia Mowry at Home on the Cooking Channel. Tamera was also recently named Resident Mom of the Year by the Marriott company.

We spoke to Tamera about this special award, food tips for toddlers, and, last but not least, her upcoming project: a baby girl due in July.

Today Meal: What does it mean to you to be named Residence Inn's Mom of the Year?
Tamera Mowry:
I feel so honored and want to thank Residence Inn for this meaningful award. As a working mom of a two-year-old, I understand the challenges of juggling obligations while raising a family and constantly traveling. And with another baby on the way, I know that it's going to get even more wild and crazy. I love that Residence Inn celebrates moms and looks for opportunities to enhance the family experience while on the road.

Can you explain your program for the hotel, "Mom Hacks"? How did you come up with the concept?
Mom Hacks are basically tips for your family to make traveling with kids easier and more efficient. I came up with them through my personal experience and by trial and error! One hack includes bringing manuka honey on the road — it improves skin tone, skin texture, and it's great for blemishes. It's also a good item for kids if they are feeling under the weather while traveling — just a drizzle over yogurt soothes the throat.

Do you cook for your family? What kind of meals do you make that are kid-friendly?
Yes! Everyone loves my pancakes! Another one is the recipe I created especially for Residence Inn — yummy and healthy banana bites that your kids will love to eat.

How do you deal with introducing new foods to children?
That's hard for a 2-year-old, and I'm honestly still trying to figure it out. I introduce new foods slowly. It's also fun to play the "Color Game" at meals. For example, at a breakfast buffet (free at Residence Inn), kids can choose their meals, and whoever has the most colors on their plate wins! It's a fun game, and they might try something new they wouldn't have before.

What's your idea of the perfect breakfast?
I like to keep it simple! Pancakes, bacon, and a side of fruit.

You're expecting a daughter in July — what challenges are you anticipating juggling two children?
Giving them each the attention they deserve is a challenge. My advice to mothers is to not be so hard on yourself. The mommy guilt gets better with time. At the end of the day, there's nothing like being a mom — it's the most rewarding experience in the world!