McCormick Calls Out Your Spices For Being Old

Haven't been able get enough flavor in your food recently? Can't remember the last time you replaced your onion powder? Your spices might be old. McCormick Spice shared this nugget of information with the public that shed some light on the age of some of the herbs and spices stocked in your pantry. 

"When's the last time you took a peek into your spice cabinet? You should see 'Hunt Valley, MD' on McCormick labels. If you see 'Baltimore, MD,' the spice is at least 25 years old," the seasoning brand wrote on its Facebook page.

Many Facebook users commented on the post surprised to find that they had kept their jars of spices and herbs for 25 years or more. One commenter even referred to a seasoning she knew she'd had forever as a "vintage."

"A lot of times people will keep the same herbs and spices in their cabinet for many years, not realizing that flavor and aroma fade over time," a McCormick Spice representative told Today Meal. "Take a few minutes to check the freshness of your herbs and spices. Check the freshness date on the bottom or side of the bottle to help keep track of when it's past its prime. Or, check the spices for color and aroma — look for vibrant color and strong aroma."

Although we know herbs and spices don't expire like fresh food, we reached out to the FDA to ensure that spices 25 years old and up (yikes!) are still safe to consume in any quantity. "Most spices can last for about two years if properly stored," FDA spokesman Peter Cassell told Today Meal.

"In many cuisines, spices are added during cooking rather than at the table, and this heat treatment can reduce pathogen contamination depending on the length of cooking and temperature. It's also important to follow basic food handling practices — cook, chill, clean, and separate."

Never feel like getting too fancy with your spices and herbs? We tried and ranked the best premium pasta sauces, and some of them are so tasty that you don't have to add a dash of anything.