How To Help Texas Flood Victims

As torrential rains swept onshore by Hurricane Harvey continue to inundate Texas — this has been called a 1,000-year storm, and is one of the worst natural disasters of any kind to affect the country in a century — organizations both private and governmental are asking for donations to provide shelter, medical care, food, and water for the storm's victims. They are also looking ahead to the overwhelming salvage and rebuilding efforts that will be required.

Houston mayor Sylvester Turner has set up a general relief fund at the Greater Houston Community Foundation. Readers of Today Meal might be particularly interested in helping provide food and water to afflicted areas. Austin-based Feeding Texas is coordinating statewide with state and federal relief efforts. Among the local organizations in need of donations — even if you're in the area, they ask for money instead of gifts of food — are Houston Food Bank, Galveston Food Bank, Food Bank of the Golden Crescent, Food Bank of Corpus Christi, Southeast Texas Food Bank, Food Bank of the Rio Grande Valley, Brazos Valley Food Bank, Central Texas Food Bank, and San Antonio Food Bank.

Be generous.