Eat Your Legumes — They're Good For You

We can't help it — the recipes this week were so great that we have to say it: They're worth a hill of beans. And then some peas and lentils, too, just for good measure.

Click here to see the Eat Your Legumes — They're Good for You Slideshow

Legumes are a boon to vegetarians for their high-quality protein content, and they're also a great source of dietary fiber. Fresh beans and peas are a great addition to salads and make wonderful side dishes, and dried peas and lentils are great thickeners for soups and stews — there are tons of possibilities.

This week, Today Meal's editorial staff has worked hard to bring you some great, original recipes — all quick-cooking, all friendly to a busy weeknight schedule. And, once again, we are lucky to have members of our Culinary Content Network join in on the fun.

New to the contest this week is Anjali Shah, author of the blog The Picky Eater, a healthy-eating blog that features recipes that are nutritious but don't skimp on flavor. As Shah puts it, she's a "whole-wheat kind of girl."

We're also happy to have some seasoned veterans return.

Alyssa Brantley, author of the blog Everyday Maven, returns with a recipe for Weeknight Black Bean Tacos. They're quick, easy, packed with flavor, and they're even vegan.

And last, but not least, Lori Rice, author of the blog Fake Food Free, and winner of Recipe SWAT Team: Stone Fruit, created a Tex-Mex-inspired pizza that makes good use of not just beans, but all that eggplant that's still cramming store shelves. This is definitely a recipe worth trying.

Click here to see Recipe SWAT Teams from the Past

Will Budiaman is the Recipe Editor at Today Meal. Follow him on Twitter @WillBudiaman.