Coronavirus Coffee Trends During Quarantine

With so many cafes and restaurants closing permanently or temporarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are making food and drinks at home more often than they were before, especially coffee. Our friends at Starbucks shared the results of a recent survey done by YouGov on behalf of Nestlé. It was conducted online between April 28 and April 29 and was based on answers from 1,443 American adults. Here are some of the survey's most interesting trends in at-home coffee during coronavirus quarantine.

Half of Americans drink coffee every day

The survey found that half of American adults aged 18 and over are drinking coffee at least once every day.

Most people enjoy homemade coffee

Seven out of 10 people reported that they enjoy making themselves coffee at home, which makes quarantine the perfect time to learn more fun, new recipes.

Many are perfecting their coffee-making

Nearly two-thirds of those surveyed said that they have perfected the art of coffee-making at home.

More people are making coffee at home

A third of surveyees reported making coffee at home more often now than before they were under quarantine — but hopefully they're not drinking too much.

But some still miss their coffee shops

As important as it is to save money during quarantine and as cost-efficient as homemade coffee can be, one-third of people said they just aren't able to replicate the freshness of the coffee they buy at a cafe or coffee shop. Millennials felt this even more so, with 51% saying they wish their homemade coffee was as fresh as what they're used to from their favorite coffee shops.

Millennials miss coffee shop coffee

In addition to freshness, nearly half of millennials said they miss the taste of the coffee they buy from cafes and coffee shops.

People are building up their coffee reserves

Coffee has not been immune to the recent panic buying that has occurred in the wake of quarantine regulations. One in four of those surveyed reported stockpiling coffee during their coronavirus grocery shopping.

Certain methods of coffee-making are more popular than others

According to survey responders, hot coffee is the most popular type of coffee being brewed at home, with 27% reporting drinking it. K-Cup pods are the second-most popular kind, at 25%, while 22% of those surveyed drink drip-brewed coffee.

There’s a generational gap in method too

Different age groups reported preferences for different types of coffee. Survey responders 55 years of age or older were most likely to report brewing drip coffee, while millennials are more likely to drink cold brews, cold coffee and espressos.

Most people’s coffee-making hasn’t changed

Despite all the changes that have occurred in everyday life due to the coronavirus pandemic, most people are still using the same coffee products and coffee-making methods that they were using at the beginning of the year.

Millennials are drinking more hot coffee

While millennials do love their cold coffee, one-fourth of those surveyed reported drinking hot coffee despite not being regular drinkers beforehand (even though it's better for you).

Coffee experimentation varies by region

Breakfast across America varies by region, and that includes how people make and prepare their coffee. According to the survey, people living in the northeast region of the country were more likely to report experimenting with different techniques and preparation methods.

Older people are more traditional coffee drinkers

Although quarantine is a great time to learn new skills, people 55 years of age and older didn't report as much experimentation with new coffee techniques and methods, with only 9% doing so.

Millennials love experimentation

On the other hand, 41% of millennials reported trying out new ways to make and prepare coffee while staying at home under quarantine.

How to make cold brew at home

Cold brew pots are pretty inexpensive, but you can still make it without one. Cold brew is different from iced coffee, which can be made simply by brewing coffee and then chilling it.

For the Cold Brew Coffee recipe, click here.

How to make a Dunkin’ latte at home

If you're one of the many people who misses the taste of their favorite doughnut chain coffee, you can make your own latte with brown sugar and caramel with this recipe from Dunkin'.

For the Dunkin' Brown Sugar Caramel Latte recipe, click here.

How to make a boozy coffee drink at home

More and more people are making cocktails at home during quarantine, and if you add some rum and creme de cacao to your coffee, you'll have the perfect pick-me-up after work.

For the Cuban Hot Coffee recipe, click here.

How to make a healthy creamer at home

Instead of using store-bought creamers, try making your own sweet, healthy creamer at home out of almond milk and dates.

For the Healthy and Sweet Coffee Creamer recipe, click here.

How to turn your coffee into a frozen homemade treat

As the weather gets warmer, you may find yourself wanting a way to enjoy your favorite caffeinated beverage while also cooling off. Add sugar and cinnamon to a coffee or espresso before sticking it in the freezer to make yourself a nice granita.

For the Coffee Granita recipe, click here.

Brewed coffee has more caffeine per serving than espresso

While you may be tempted to make espresso due to its strong reputation, one serving of espresso, or 1 ounce, has just under 64 milligrams of caffeine, while a serving of brewed coffee, or eight ounces, has 96 milligrams. And that's just one of many things you may not have known about coffee.

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