Bud Light Will Release An Area 51 Can If Enough People Retweet Them

Bud Light is on a (terrestrial) mission to give free beer to any alien who makes it out of the Area 51 "raid" rumored for September 20, and they've designed a special can to prove it. If 51,000 people retweet their post, Bud Light has vowed to make the can design a reality.

101 Best Beers in America

Rumors of the raid on the top-secret Air Force facility in Nevada often rumored to host UFOs began in early July, when a Facebook event called "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us" was created as a joke. Now it has nearly 2 million people claiming they'll be in attendance to "see them aliens."

The low-calorie beer brand initially tweeted about it on July 15, saying, "We'd like to be the first brand to formally announce that we will not be sponsoring the Area 51 raid." They've since changed their tune.

On July 17, they tweeted, "Screw it. Free Bud Light to any alien that makes it out."

They then promptly tweeted an alien-themed can design for Bud Light.

When asked if it was real, the company Twitter responded, "51,000 RTs and we'll make it happen."

The can is black and light green, complete with a sinister-looking alien head at the front. The bottom of the can announces "WE COME IN PEACE." Atop Bud Light's signature crown, it reads (in a play on the traditional can text), "Greetings Earthlings. This is the famous Area 51. We know of no space beer by any other life form which is brewed and aged to be more refreshing. Our cryogenic aging produces a light bodied space lager with a fresh taste, a crisp, clean finish, and a smooth drinkability. Take us to your leader... for drinks."

There are other clever tweaks to the design, as well. Bud Light replaced "world renowned" with "universally renowned," and swapped "trademark registered" with "trademark classified."

The tweet now has over 28,000 retweets — and counting. So should you expect to see this celestial can design happen for real?

A representative from Bud Light confirmed to Today Meal that the promise is no joke. "Whether you're from this planet or another galaxy, nothing says 'welcome to our planet' like a few beers," a Bud Light spokesperson shared. "The way we see it, there's no better way to show these aliens 'we come in peace' than a few BLs. Who knows? Maybe a few beers will make this a party rather than a raid."

Whether you hate light beer or think Bud Light tastes out of this world, get ready to crack one open, sit back and watch the chaos that September 20 will undoubtedly bring. In case you need another excuse, here are some very good reasons to drink a beer every day.