Today Meal's Chef Of The Year Panel

When it came time to begin the vast and complex task of identifying the year's best chefs, we decided to field our distinguished peers for their opinions. Twenty-one panelists completed the survey based on our master list, however, some preferred to remain anonymous. Here are the illustrious members of our expert panel.

Tim Carman, Food Reporter, Washington Post

Laurie Werner, Contributing Editor, ForbesLife

John Mariani, Contributer, Esquire 

Irene Virbila, Restaurant Critic, Los Angeles Times

Clementine Paddleford, Writer

Adam Roberts, Food Blogger, The Amateur Gourmet

Penny Pollack, Dining Editor, Chicago Magazine

Kat Odell, Editor, Eater Los Angeles

Hadley Tomicki, Edtior Grub Street Los Angeles

June Naylor, Writer

Kat Kinsman, Managing Editor, Eatocracy