What's In Season: Winter Produce That Shouldn't Be Ignored

Have you walked through the stalls of your farmers market lately only to find yourself surrounded by a sea of apples? Don't let the sparse selection get you down. There is plenty of variety to be had in the winter produce arena if you know what to look for at the market.

Click here for the What's in Season: Winter Produce That Shouldn't Be Ignored slideshow.

For instance, Brussels sprouts, the trendy vegetable that has had a major comeback, is at its harvest peak between early fall and late February (although it can be found year round). Serve this green vegetable fried, roasted, or steamed. Separate the leaves for a healthy salad topped with another winter produce favorite, roasted beets, for a brightly colored healthy treat.

Try cooking your way out of the winter blues by experimenting with fresh, winter produce. Don't let the sometimes sparse selection get you down; there is more to the winter farmers market experience than apples.

Plan your breakfast, lunch, and dinner around fresh, seasonal picks like our favorite parsnips, persimmons, and juicy winter citrus — winter has never tasted so good.

Angela Carlos is the Cook Editor at Today Meal. Find her on Twitter and tweet @angelaccarlos.