What Is Bone Broth And How To Make It

What is Bone Broth? Bone broth is exactly what it sounds like: broth made from meat bones.

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What's the Big Deal? Along with coconut water and green juices, bone broth is currently being touted as a superdrink. Although popularized only recently, broth has been used in many cultures as a cure-all for centuries (think chicken soup). Homemade versions of broth contain gelatin, which helps the digestive system and contains tons of nutrients like the amino acids proline and glycine, which promote healthy joint function.

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How to Make It. The same way you would make any other stock. Save bones (no need to segregate; meat and poultry can go into the same pot) in the freezer. You can also buy bones from your local butcher. When you have enough, toss them into a pot of water. If you want to get really crazy, save (cleaned) tops of carrots, onions, celery, celery leaves, and unused parsley stems in the freezer, too. Add the vegetables to the stock. Simmer until it tastes good (usually a few hours for bone broth). Strain the stock and cool it for future use. Store broth in the refrigerator or freezer in an airtight plastic container.

(Credit: Denise Woodward)

Then What? Drink it! Sip your broth warm or cold, in a soup with vegetables or on its own. Your brothing experience is up to you!

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Julie Ruggirello is the Recipe Editor at Today Meal and is excited to learn that her grandmother was right about the healing properties of "Jewish penicillin." Follow her on Twitter @TDMRecipeEditor.