We Did The Impossible And Made Mashed Potatoes Even More Incredible

It's not that mashed potatoes are particularly hard to make. In fact, as long as you have a masher, ricer, or mixer, hot potatoes, warm milk, butter, salt, and pepper, you can come up with something everyone will be delighted to enjoy. The problem with mashed potatoes is that they are labor intensive.

Click here for the Expert Tips for Making Mashed Potatoes slideshow.

That's why we gave you our fastest method for making mashed potatoes yet. Now, just in time for Thanksgiving, we are improving that recipe to give you the most incredible mashed potatoes.

The measuring of "delicious-ness" isn't without its subjectivity, but we believe that universally people want an airy and creamy texture from their mashed potatoes, which is why we are adding whipped mascarpone to the mix.

This cheese is light, airy, and creamy, making it the ultimate addition to any mashed potato recipe. For the best potatoes we suggest you start by peeling your potatoes. Then, dice your potatoes into a smaller-sized dice and add to a large pot of water. Bring to a boil, and cook your potatoes until done (when they freely slide off of a pairing knife when poked), usually about 15 minutes or less for a smaller dice.

In the meantime, while the potatoes are cooking, heat some milk on the stovetop, about a half cup of milk for every pound of potatoes. Once the potatoes are done, drain the water from the pot, and using a rice, masher, or mixer cream the potatoes while they are still hot. Next, slowly add the milk, stirring or mixing to incorporate. Add a tablespoon of butter for each pound of potatoes and stir to combine.

Then add the mascarpone, salt, and pepper to taste, again stirring to combine. Serve the potatoes in a warm bowl and enjoy.

Angela Carlos is the Cook Editor at Today Meal. Find her on Twitter and tweet @angelaccarlos.