Taste Test: We Tried And Ranked The Best Premium Pasta Sauces

One of the staples in everybody's pantry is a classic jar of marinara sauce. It's an easy, quick dinner if you want a simple pasta, and it requires next to no culinary skill to prepare. It's easy to make a delicious, fast pasta dinner by frying up some garlic or bacon and adding your trusted marinara sauce. With so many different sauces on the market, it's often difficult to decipher what each one has to offer when you're rushing around a grocery store after a long day.

The trouble is: Which one do you buy?

For the Taste Test: We Tried and Ranked the Best Premium Pasta Sauces slideshow, click here.

Well, don't worry, we did the hard work for you and conducted a taste test with some of the top contenders in the industry. We found that the different brands each had their own quirks and personalities. Some were a little chunkier, a little saltier, or slightly more tangy. Whatever flavors you're looking for, trust me: There's a pasta sauce out there for your specific taste

After choosing a nice ciabatta to accompany our quaint Italian tasting, we chose a variety of simple marinara pasta sauces — candidates couldn't contain any cheese or fancy flavorings, as we wanted to sample the most fundamental sauces we could find. We judged them based on their texture, salt content, herbiness, garlic, and overall experience. Here at Today Meal our taste preferences differ, but our expectations are all equally high. Rest assured, there was no flavor left unsavored during this tasting. To read the Taste Test: We tried and ranked the Best Premium Pasta Sauces slideshow, click here.