The Most Popular Holiday Recipe In Every State, According To Google Gallery

Roast turkey, stuffing, gravy, casseroles, cookies and pies are always abundant during the holidays. From traditional dishes to more modern approaches, 'tis the season when people plan festive menus and prepare to host or attend events where food and drink are center stage.

When deciding which recipes to prepare, many people turn to trusted family recipes and the worn, spattered pages of trusted cookbooks. More recently however, with the internet becoming ever vaster and more a part of daily life, it is no surprise that when planning holiday menus people turn to Google. With the tap of a few keyboard buttons and the click of a mouse, millions of recipes are suddenly available! But what holiday recipes are people actually googling?

We got the inside scoop straight from Google, who found and sent Today Meal the most searched-for holiday recipe terms from every state. We took the information from Google and noticed that a lot of states had the same top search result, so we decided to divide the list up by search term and list them from least to most googled. Read on to discover the most popular holiday recipe in every state, according to Google!


Casserole: Iowa

In Iowa, it's all about casserole, apparently! And who can blame them? Casseroles are comforting and delicious in any shape or form whether savory or sweet and certainly deserve a place on any holiday table!

Chicken Soup: Louisiana

Chicken soup is what people are searching for in Louisiana, perhaps looking for a bit of respite from all that rich and indulgent food that is synonymous with this festive time of year.

For a great Instant Chicken Pot soup recipe, click here.

Cookies: Washington, DC

Ahh, cookies! They're delicious no matter the time of year, but something that people are particularly drawn to during the holidays. Such is the case in Washington, D.C., where it appears most residents are searching for some cookie inspiration.

For a great Butterscotch Gingerbread Cookie recipe, click here.

Corn: South Dakota

Any state that boasts the only corn palace in the world is sure to be searching for the best corn recipes the internet has to offer. It comes as no big surprise then, that South Dakota is keeping an open mind and searching simply for 'corn' rather than more specific holiday recipes.

For a delicious Corn Pudding recipe, click here.

Cornbread Dressing: Texas

In Texas, cornbread dressing reigns supreme and will be showing up on many tables, if their googling habits are anything to go by!

For a 3-Pepper Sausage Cornbread Dressing recipe, click here

Cranberry Salad: Wisconsin

Cranberry salad comes in many forms, sometimes made with flavored gelatin, sometimes featuring condensed milk or frozen whipped topping and usually made with pineapple and chopped and toasted pecans. This dish, which folks in Wisconsin are searching for more than anything, is a creamy, sweet and crunchy side dish that has a charmingly retro vibe.

Cranberry Sauce: Alaska

Cranberry sauce is sure to be making an appearance on tables across the country for any turkey-related meal — after all, turkey and cranberry are a match made in heaven. Of all the states, however, Alaska is the one doing the most cranberry-sauce related research!

For a fabulous Cranberry Sauce recipe, click here.

Creamed Corn: California

Most people associate California with all things healthy, but that is not the case when it comes to their most searched for holiday recipe: creamed corn! The holidays are not a time to be calorie counting anyway, and creamed corn counts as a vegetable, right?

For the best Creamed Corn recipe, click here.

Green Bean: Virginia

In Virginia green beans aren't limited to a casserole, they cook their beans with an open mind which is why the simple term green beans is the most search for holiday 'recipe' in the state. That's not to say that Virginians aren't enjoying a wonderful green bean casserole, after all it is certainly an essential Thanksgiving side to many!

For an excellent Blue Cheese and Green Bean Casserole recipe, click here.

Ham: Arizona

Ham is the most popular holiday recipe search term in Arizona, where, perhaps, residents aren't limiting their ham consumption to just Christmas Eve. While most people love a good leftover Thanksgiving turkey sandwich, leftover ham sandwiches sound like a good idea too!

For an easy Roasted Ham with Orange Honey Glaze recipe, click here.

Keto Brisket: Delaware

It seems like the people of Delaware are trying to keep things keto this holiday season while also determined to keep things delicious, and are searching to the best keto brisket recipes out there.

For a lovely Brisket recipe, click here.

Punch: North Dakota

Things are sure to be fun and jolly in North Dakota, where the most googled recipe holiday is punch! At any festive gathering, where relatives (both loved ones and those who are simple endured) will inevitably be present, a good bowl of punch is never a bad idea.

For a festive Vodka Cranberry Punch with Apple Cider Ice Cubes, click here.

Roast Turkey: West Virginia

One would assume that more states than West Virginia would be interested in roast turkey recipes, but that is not the case! Perhaps most people are sticking to their tried and true family recipes for the holidays and aren't in search of anything new when it comes to the roast turkey.

For a fail-safe Roast Turkey With Spice Rub recipe, click here.

Roasted Carrots: Wyoming

In Wyoming, classic roasted carrots come out on top. Delicious, sweet and naturally caramelized, roast carrots really go with any holiday meal, but can sometimes be a little dull, so it's no surprise that at least one state is trying to make more of their roasted carrots!

For a scrumptious Maple Roasted Carrot recipe, click here.

Stone Soup: Hawaii

According to Google, people in Hawaii are searching for stone soup. This may sound rather odd — after all, it is a folk story not a real recipe, right? But when you think about it the story, stone soup is all about the value of sharing, and isn't that what the holidays are really all about?

Sweet Potato Casserole: South Carolina

Sweet potato casserole, topped with a flurry of marshmallows and baked until bubbling and delicious is a dish both loved and maligned, but in South Carolina at least, residents are still searching for the best version they can find.

For an incredible Sweet Potato Casserole recipe, click here.

Turkey Gravy: Maine

The folks in Maine have got their priorities straight, after all, what is the point of having a turkey — whether it is roasted, fried, smoked or wrapped in bacon — if you aren't serving gravy alongside it! I mean, what does one even put on the mashed potatoes if there isn't any gravy!?

For an essential Turkey Gravy recipe, click here.

Butternut Squash: Massachusetts, New Hampshire

Butternut squash, another classic seasonal vegetable, has fans in Massachusetts as well as New Hampshire, with both states searching for butternut squash-related recipes more than any other kind!

For a Baked Butternut Squash With Italian Sausage Stuffing recipe, click here.

Green Bean Casserole: Florida, Georgia

People in Florida and Georgia are all fans of green bean casserole, and their googling habits show just that. With some green beans, mushrooms soup and crisp fried onions, whether made from scratch or entirely of cans, it's easy to see why so many people choose to enjoy this particular casserole during the holidays.

For a classic Green Bean Casserole recipe, click here.

Salad: Utah, Washington

Salad is not necessarily a "holiday recipe," but during the holidays, when tables are generally laden with an excess of rich and indulgent dishes, adding a salad or two certainly does not go amiss. Utah and Washington seem to feel the same way and are googling salad recipes more than anyone else.

For a fabulous Citrus Salad With Red Radicchio and Pomegranate Dressing recipe, click here.

Vegetable: Pennsylvania, Vermont

If you though "salad" was a broad search term, that's nothing compared to the people of Pennsylvania and Vermont who are searching simply for recipes related to "vegetable." Seems folk in that part of the country are keeping an open mind when it comes to vegetable preparations this year!

For a hearty Sweet and Spicy Roasted Fall Vegetables recipe, click here.

Cranberry: Connecticut, Maryland, Montana

In Connecticut, Maryland and Montana, people are on the hunt for stellar cranberry recipes. Are they making cranberry sauce? Perhaps they're baking up some cranberry pies? Whatever the case, cranberries are a wonderful festive ingredient to cook with and are great in savory dishes as well as sweet!

For a stunning Cranberry Pie recipe, click here.

Soup: Nevada, New Jersey, New York

The start of a great holiday meal often begins with soup, so know the good residents of Nevada, New Jersey and New York, who seem to be on the hunt for the best soup recipes out there. Will they go for silky butternut squash soup or perhaps one made of parsnip? We may never know for sure!

For a warming French Onion Soup recipe, click here.

Sweet Potato: Kentucky, Missouri, Oregon

As well as being a rather trendy tuber, sweet potatoes are another classic vegetable to prepare for this time of the year, and people living in Kentucky, Missouri and Oregon are well aware and searching the internet for the most delicious recipes and sweet potato preparations.

For a divine Sweet Potato Dip with Toasted Pecans and Bacon recipe, click here.

Pumpkin Pie: Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Ohio

Are you a fan of buying your holiday pie? Perhaps you've tried the famous Costco pumpkin pie? Well, the folks in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and Ohio are planning on baking their own! They're looking up pumpkin pie recipes left, right and center and are sure to be serving up some delectable slices of pie over the holidays.

For a made-all-the-way-from-scratch pumpkin pie recipe, click here.


Stuffing: Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota, Rhode Island

Since stuffing, as a rule, is everyone's favorite holiday side, it comes as no surprise that it is the second most googled holiday search term in America this holiday season. In Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota and Nebraska, residents are researching like mad to make sure their stuffing game is strong over the holidays.

For a Traditional Thanksgiving stuffing recipe, click here.

Dressing: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee

Ok, so we lied, but only a tad. Stuffing's Southern cousin dressing takes first place in this ranking with a whopping nine states googling dressing recipes more than any other holiday recipe. Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Tennessee all have stuffing... erm, dressing on the mind. Even if you aren't from the South, a side of cornbread dressing is the perfect way to add something delicious to one's holiday feast, which is why it is one of the 10 things Southerners always have on their Thanksgiving table!

For the best Holiday Dressing With Dried Plums and Cornbread recipe, click here.

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