Make Flavored Butters From Scratch In Just 2 Simple Steps

Flavored butter (a.k.a. compound butter) is butter with sweet or savory ingredients added — blueberry butter on pancakes, anyone? The easiest way to make flavored butters at home is using a food processor or electric mixer. Best of all? You can add anything you like to the butter and, in just two simple steps, you'll have a delicious sweet or savory spread.

Step 1: Blend the Butter

Put butter in your food processor or electric mixer and blend it until it's completely smooth.

Step 2: Get Creative with Add-Ins

Once the butter is soft, add other ingredients to taste. For savory butters (perfect over steaks, pork chops, or pasta), try a mix of garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and fresh herbs. For sweet flavored butters (great on biscuits, scones, pancakes, and more), try a mix of brown sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon.  Prefer sweet and savory flavors? Try honey and diced jalepeño instead.

If you're not using your flavored butter right away, roll it into a log, wrap it in parchment or plastic wrap, and store it in your refrigerator.

Kristie Collado is Today Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.