This Is How You Make Chick-Fil-A's Waffle Fries

It's no secret that the waffle fry is one of Chick-fil-A's most successful menu items. According to an article on The Street, Millennials prefer the unconventional Chick-fil-A waffle fries to other fast food chains' deep fried potatoes. Chick-fil-A didn't invent the waffle fry, but they have certainly capitalized on its popularity. They have even tried out other offerings like the sweet potato waffle fry, which never quite took off.

Click here for the Definitive Guide to Making Fries at Home slideshow.

Luckily, if you are a waffle fry fanatic, you can easily make these frites at home armed with only Idaho potatoes, peanut oil, a mandoline, a large pot, and some salt.

To get that signature waffle shape, wash and dry your potatoes; you don't need to peel them for these fries. Then, set the fluted blade of your mandoline to a quarter-inch or half-inch thickness. Using a cross-cutting method (rotating the potato 90 degrees after each pass) slice the potatoes to produce that signature waffle design. Set the cut potatoes aside in a bowl of water to prevent them from oxidizing and turning brown while you heat your oil.

Fries require a two-step frying process. First, you essentially cook the potato without color at a lower temperature, and then you heat the oil to a higher temperature to produce the signature crisp and golden-brown color.

In a large, heavy pot, heat about three inches of peanut oil to 320 degrees F. Drain and thoroughly dry the potatoes, or the water will cause the oil to splatter and break down. Next, add the potatoes in batches so as not to overcrowd the pot. Fry for four to five minutes. Remove the fries, drain, and place to the side on a paper towel. After all the fries have cooked once in the oil, heat the oil to 375 degrees F. Again, fry the waffle fries in batches, this time for two to three minutes or until golden brown. Then remove from the oil, drain, and rest on paper towels to absorb any excess oil. While the fries are still hot, season with salt, to taste. Serve with ketchup, or a special fry sauce.

Angela Carlos is the Cook Editor at Today Meal. Find her on Twitter and tweet @angelaccarlos.