How To Make Your Own Protein Bar

Protein is a necessary nutrient for muscle building, and protein bars are a convenient snack for pre- or post-workout munchies. Replace sometimes expensive and often tasteless store-bought protein bars with ones you can easily make at home. Bonus: you don't even need to turn on the oven.

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Start with a Sticky Base. Use dried fruit like figs or dates or nut butters as the base for your protein bar. This is what will keep everything stuck together. Use a food processor to blend dried fruits into a paste.

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Add in the Protein. Protein powder is always an option, but plenty of protein can be found in whole foods as well. Nuts and seeds are a protein goldmine, so add some peanuts, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and chia seeds. Some nut-free protein options are brown rice, barley, quinoa, and millet.

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Mix in the Flavor. Chocolate chips, unsweetened coconut flakes, apple sauce, and maple syrup all add a touch of sweetness and flavor to protein bars. Don't go overboard with the sweet stuff, though.

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Stir it All Together. Stir all of the ingredients together and place into a greased baking pan. Refrigerate until firm and then cut into single-serving squares. Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container.

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Julie Ruggirello is the Recipe Editor at Today Meal, and is currently considering any New Year's resolution that involves figs and chocolate chips. Follow her on Twitter @TDMRecipeEditor.