How To Make Quinoa For Breakfast

Quinoa — pronounced "keen-wah"— is a tiny seed that, when cooked, has a rich, nutty flavor and a texture that's slightly crunchier than rice. Quinoa comes in several varieties, including white, red, and black. White quinoa (often labeled simply "quinoa") is the most common, and it's widely available in supermarkets.

Though quinoa is often served for lunch or dinner (and usually as a savory dish), it can also be combined with milk, sugar, and spices for a warm and filling breakfast porridge. First, put milk in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Then, add cooked quinoa (click here to see how to cook quinoa), salt, and whatever spices (like cinnamon or nutmeg) or sweeteners (like honey, brown sugar, or puréed fruit) you prefer.

Then, cover the pot and allow the quinoa to cook for 2 to 3 minutes. When the quinoa is heated through, scoop it into bowls and top it with your choice of nuts, seeds, or dried fruit.

Looking for the full recipe? Click here.

Kristie Collado is Today Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.