How To Make Lollipops From Scratch — And 3 Insanely Delicious Recipes For Them

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Making basic lollipops is easy: just make sure you have a candy thermometer (accuracy in temperature is key) and that you're very careful when working with hot sugar.

Cook the Sugar
Start by bringing 1 cup of sugar, ½ cup of water, and ¼ cup of light corn syrup to a boil in a heavy saucepan over medium-high heat. Then, cook the mixture until it reaches exactly 300 degrees F on the candy thermometer.

Add Color and  Flavor
When the syrup reaches the right temperature, remove the pan from the heat and stir in a teaspoon of candy flavoring or vanilla extract. If you're using food coloring, add that now too.

Pour the Lollipops
Then, pour the syrup into a lightly oiled lollipop mold that's been fitted with lollipop sticks or into small mounds on a heatproof silicone baking mat. If you're using the baking mat, gently lay a lollipop stick in each puddle of syrup. Let the lollipops cool and then unmold them, wrap them in cellophane bags, seal the bags, and store the candy in a cool, dry place for up to a month.

Love making lollipops? Anita Chu, author of Lollipop Love: Sweet Indulgence with Chocolate, Caramel, and Sugar shares three amazing lollipop recipes:

Click here for Anita's Dulce de Leche Lollipops

Click here for Anita's Mango-Chile Lollipops

Click here for Anita's Rainbow Swirl Lollipops

Or, click here to buy a copy of her book.

Kristie Collado is Today Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.