How To Deep-Clean Your Wooden Cutting Board The All-Natural Way

If you've noticed that your wooden cutting board is starting to look a little beat up, check your pantry for two common ingredients — lemons and coarse salt. Then, give your cutting board a quick, all-natural deep cleaning. Here's how:

First, sprinkle a coarse salt (kosher works well) over the surface of the cutting board.

Then, slice the lemon in half. Place the lemon cut-side down on the cutting board and scrub the surface, gently squeezing the lemon as you go to release a small amount of juice.

When you've scrubbed the entire surface of the cutting board, let the salty lemon juice sit on its surface for a few minutes. Then, using a sturdy flat object like a metal spatula or a bench scraper, drag the dirty liquid into your sink. Give the wooden cutting board a quick wipe with a wet sponge and you'll find that it's brighter (thanks to the salt) and odor-free (because of the lemon juice).

Kristie Collado is Today Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.