Don't Summer Sabotage

Don't diet are words you don't expect to hear from a registered dietician, but Keri Gans, nutrition consultant and author of The Small Change Diet, has built here career on this concept. Instead, Gans subscribes to a philosophy that emphasizes a healthy lifestyle over nitpicking every piece of food you put in your mouth. Gans believes that if you make smart choices the majority of the time, you can splurge here and there without worry.

Those pre-summer diets often quickly unravel as summer begins, but as the season comes to a close, it is important to re-evaluate your recent food choices. Before you head off on your final beach trip of the summer, Keri has a few tips to keep yourself on a healthy path as you say goodbye to the hot-weather months.

Follow these healthy tips so you don't fall victim to a summer sabotage:

Stay Activevacationtry new thingsPack Portable Snacks road tripfruitChoose Nutrient-Rich Snackscheeses fiber Plan Aheadnuts Don’t Stressdessert summer vacation

When you go on , don't be afraid to , explains Gans. "To help burn calories offset what you eat with long walks on the beach, especially if overeating," said Gans, instead of spending your whole vacation lying by the pool.

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Gans suggests packing snacks, like KIND's Nuts and Spices bar, which she says her patients love. These portable bars are easy to throw in your bag before a. Another great option is fresh .

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"When I go on trips I bring a cooler to pack snacks like Mini Babybels," said Gans. These portable are great at suppressing hunger — and they're tasty. Gans explains, "you want a snack that will provide nutrients that do their job," so look for foods high in and protein, but low in added sugar.

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Use your will power. "At the end of the day, if it really matters to you, you won't come up with excuses," says Gans. Don't let vacation be an excuse. Plan ahead. Pack simple snacks like fruit and to munch on between meals. Also, look for restaurants that have food options that meet your dietary needs.

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Eating healthy doesn't mean you can never eat again. Gans explains, "One week in the scheme of 52 won't matter so much. So, if you go off track of your diet, it's OK. It's what you do when you get back from vacation." It is more important to enjoy the social aspect of your than to focus solely on the food, but remember, if you are planning a longer trip, be sensible with your food choices.

Click here for healthy snack recipes.

Angela Carlos is the Cook Editor at Today Meal. Find her on Twitter and tweet @angelaccarlos.