Today Meal's Menu Planner And Shopping List Are Up And Running!

How it Works: Plot out your meals for the day, the week, or the dinner party you're planning next month with delicious dishes from Today Meal. Save recipes to your collection — we have more than a million to choose from! Add ingredients to your shopping list with a simple click — we'll instantly calculate the quantity you need based on your number of servings.

Getting Started: To get started, all you need to do is find a recipe you like. Underneath the main photo, you'll see buttons for "Save to Menu Planner" and "Add to Shopping List." Click on either one.

Login: If you haven't logged in, you'll be asked to do so — that way we can track your favorite recipes and keep them on file for you. If you're new to the site and don't have a log in, it only takes a minute to register. Click the red "Join" button in the pop-up dialog box. You can use either your email or your Facebook or Twitter accounts to register.

Using The Menu Planner: Today Meal's Meal Planner allows you to add recipes to your planner with one click. Recipes will default to the current calendar day and a serving size of four. If you want to move that recipe to a different date, simply click on the calendar icon and choose the date you desire. You can opt for a different meal — breakfast, lunch, or dinner — or serving size by choosing from the drop down options. Once you've got your recipes in your meal planner, you can move them from one date or meal slot to another by dragging and dropping. To remove an item from your plan, simple click on the recipe name and then choose the "Delete" button when it pops up.

Using The Shopping List: From the Meal Planner, you can easily add ingredients to your Shopping List by simply clicking the "Add to Shopping List" button under the main image on the recipe page. Choose a serving size from the drop-down menu that will pop up and your shopping list will automatically calculate how much of each ingredient you need. If there is something on your shopping list you know you already have on hand, simply delete it from the list by hovering over the item and clicking on the red "Delete" button when it appears.

Once you've added a recipe to Your Shopping List you can return to the Menu Planner, Your Recipe Collection, or Your Shopping List. You can also print a recipe, send a shopping list to your phone, and/or easily delete your whole list when you're ready to start anew.All of the meal planning, recipe collecting, and shopping list compiling functionality is available for mobile, tablet, and PC users. So wherever you are or whatever device you're using, you can plan what to cook, eat, serve, and shop for at Today Meal, your go-to site for all things food and drink.