This Cherry Pie Is The Perfect Dessert For The End Of Summer

The sweet and sour juice of a fresh, perfectly ripe cherry is hard to resist; unfortunately, we only have a short time to enjoy the juiciest cherries of the season. With summer cherries disappearing from the shelves by mid-September, take these last few August days to bake this heavenly cherry pie dessert you won't see again until next year.

Click here for the 10 Amazingly Delicious Easy-To-Make Summer Pies slideshow.

Sure, you could make this pie with frozen cherries, but the final product just wouldn't be as sweet! For this pie, we recommend using sour cherries from the farmers market. These beautiful bright red cherries are usually too sour to eat raw, but they're perfect for baking into pies. If you can't find sour cherries, dark red Bing cherries will also make for an outstanding pie. Rainier cherries will do in a pinch, but because they're lower in acid and sweeter, they're best when eaten straight from the farmers market stand.

If you find you have caught the pie-baking bug, try one of these amazing summer pies before our favorite fruits take their long winter sojourn until next year.

Angela Carlos is the Cook Editor at Today Meal. Find her on Twitter and tweet @angelaccarlos.