Apples Were Put On This Earth To Be Used In This Recipe

Now that apple season is in full swing, what is more appropriate than an ode to apple pie? We've searched high and low, but there is no denying that this recipe for the Art of the Apple Pie is just that — art.

Click here for the 10 Classic All-American Pie Recipes slideshow.

Kate McDermott from the Art of Pie has been praised by food world literati like Ruth Reichl, former Editor-in-Chief of Gourmet Magazine and food writer Kim O'Donnel, so it's safe to say she knows how to make a pie.

From the tender crust to the sweet, spiced apple filling, this pie is just begging to be devoured. Serve it with a simple cinnamon-spiced whipped cream or a la mode with vanilla ice cream. Whether you are looking for another pie to round out your dessert table this holiday season or just have a sweet tooth craving that needs to be soothed this apple pie will foot the bill.

For first time or accident prone bakers, McDermott reassures that, "If your pie doesn't turn out the way you like, turn it [out] into a lasagna pan and call it a crisp or a crumble!"

The accompanying slideshow was provided by special contributor, Emily Jacobs.

Angela Carlos is the Cook Editor at Today Meal. Find her on Twitter and tweet @angelaccarlos