Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate!

"Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! Aack!" exclaims Tina Fey's character Liz Lemon during an episode of the television show 30 Rock, as she throws up her hands and sticks out her tongue. And it's true — sometimes you just really need some chocolate. While she may have been making fun of the famous "Cathy" comic strip, whose character is prone to such outbursts, this pretty neatly sums up how a lot of people feel about chocolate — it makes them go bananas (which, incidentally, also go really well with chocolate). And don't get us started on what happens when oh-so-addictive Nutella joins the chocolate party.

Click here to see the Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate! Slideshow

To help quell those inevitable chocolate cravings when they strike, Today Meal's editorial team and members of the Culinary Content Network have created 12 original chocolaty recipes for you to try at home.

From the Culinary Content Network, we have a lot of first-time participants — chocolate, it seems, really does bring people together. Patricia Stagich, author of the blog Comfy Cuisine, concocted an interesting twist on tiramisu with her Mini Chocolate Tiramisu Cakes; Simi Jois satisfies those sweet tooth cravings with a Cake Pop recipe from her blog, Turmeric 'n' Spice; Marnley Rodriguez-Murray, creator of Cooking with Books, has a seasonal recipe for bread pudding incorporating pomegranates; and Erin Wysocarski, author of Olives for Dinner, really shakes things up with a recipe for Peanut Butter and Sambal Wontons with Chocolate Sauce. And, of course, many thanks to all returning participants who so generously submitted their recipes — be sure to check them out in the slideshow.

One last shout out is in order — we would like to congratulate Patricia Stagich, winner of this week's Recipe SWAT Team contest, for her Mini Chocolate Tiramisu Cakes Recipe. Be sure to give her recipe a try.

Click here to see Recipe SWAT Teams From the Past