Boyfriend Turns Ice Dispenser Into Candy Vending Machine, Wins At Love

True story: All we want for Valentine's Day is candy. And ice cream.

This guy managed to combine both in this sweet ice dispenser trick. "My girlfriend always wants her candy out of the freezer. So, for Valentine's Day I turned the ice dispenser into a cold candy dispenser," he writes in the About section of the video. As one commenter says, "Someone's getting laid tonight."

Of course, some logistical questions pop up: What about the crush setting? What if someone didn't know and wanted ice? But really, the idea is pretty genius. Frozen chocolate and toffee does have a special spot in our heart.

Watch below as he creates an impressive mix of candies (Sweet Tarts, chocolate, candy hearts), fills in the candy ice dispenser, and gets the perfect amount of candy, straight from the freezer. The only way to make this even better is to add some ice cream in a cup and some chocolate sauce. Good job, boyfriend. Today Meal staff collectively approves. (To the girl: He's a keeper!)