Beyond Quinoa: 7 'New' Whole Grains To Try

Quinoa is not the only whole grain that health-conscious cooks should be thinking about — although it's delicious and quick-cooking, and its popularity doesn't seem to be waning any time soon, there are other whole grains you may want to consider trying.

Click here to see the Beyond Quinoa: 7 'New' Whole Grains to Try Slideshow

Many of these whole grains have been available to consumers for some time, as Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough point out in their cookbook Grain Mains. They just haven't been in the spotlight until recently. But they are now readily available at most supermarkets. So we've put together a list of seven whole grains you may not have heard of before.

Why seven? Because a new year's resolution is tough to keep — according to an oft-cited study by YouGov, in 2013, 22 percent of Americans cheated on their new year's resolutions one week into the year. So chances are that anyone who made a resolution about eating healthier has probably already tossed them out the window by now.

But if you're ready to get back on the horse, why not try forming some new habits over time rather than doing the whole thing cold turkey? Try incorporating a new type of whole grain into your diet each night of the week and you may just find that staying on the right path has gotten a little bit easier.

Will Budiaman is the Recipe Editor at Today Meal. Follow him on Twitter @WillBudiaman.