The Best (And Worst) Waffles To Buy

Are there any breakfast goods as heartwarmingly delicious as waffles? Think back to your childhood, when you eagerly anticipated the "pop" of the toaster, with steaming, crispy waffles cheerily ejected from the slots, ready for a deluge of syrup. Oh, the memories.

Click here for The Best (and Worst) Waffles to Buy Slideshow

Whether you instinctively say "leggo my Eggo" or wax nostalgic about Aunt Jemima's waffles, truth is, there are a myriad number of brands of waffles out there these days. Many also purport to be "homestyle," which is dubious at best, considering they are found in the frozen section. That said, who has the time to make fresh waffles, let alone actually owns a waffle maker?

Results of the taste test are based on a 100-point system.

To that end, eight Today Meal editors blind-tasted eight popular frozen waffle brands readily available in most frozen-food sections. From the aforementioned Eggo waffles of your childhood to the health nut's go-to (Kashi 7 Grain Waffles), editors made notes dissecting each waffle's texture, flavor, smell, and overall pleasantness. Was the waffle too dry? Crispy? Could it hold up to a healthy smothering of syrup?

The editors had many strong opinions and ultimately, no runaway favorites. Maybe investing in a waffle maker isn't such a bad decision, after all.  Check out the slideshow for the panel's commentary and full details about each brand.