10 Cold And Creamy Ice Cream Floats You'll Want To Make Right Now

10 Cold and Creamy Ice Cream Floats You’ll Want to Make Right Now

Today Meal's staff and Culinary Content Network share their best recipes for ice cream floats.

Lemon Lime Strawberry Float

As blogger Diane (of Homemade Food Junkie) says, this float is "a delicious drink with a scoop of frozen yum in the middle" — and we couldn't agree more! Click here for the recipe.

Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia Ice Cream Float Recipe

Today Meal Editor Kate Kolenda created this confection in honor of her father, who loves cherries and Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream. We can't think of anything nicer, except maybe the whipped cream and chocolate chips that she uses to top off this crazy delicious ice cream float. Click here for the recipe.

G'Day Mate-y Yerba Mate Floats

Chrissy (of The Hungary Buddha Eats the World) scores big points for creativity (and deliciousness) by mixing yerba mate tea with fresh ginger, vanilla ice cream, and sparkling water for a truly magical ice cream float. Click here for the recipe.

Kiwi-Ginger Ice Cream Float

With bright yellow slices of SunGold kiwifruit, creamy vanilla ice cream, and spicy ginger beer, this ice cream float is as good to look at as it is to drink! Click here for the recipe.

Homemade Strawberry Float

Nothing screams summer like fresh strawberries — and Kayla, blogger behind A Chick Who Can Cook, uses them to make beautiful, bright-red soda. Pour it over vanilla ice cream and you've got the perfect summertime float. Click here for the recipe.

Vanilla and Orange Ice Cream Soda Float

When ice cream and soda get together, something magical happens — in the case of Today Meal Editor Lauren Gordon's fizzy float, it's a creamsicle-inspired spell. Mix up some magic of your own with just ice cream, soda, and fresh berriesClick here for the recipe.

Root Beer Float with Almond Whipped Cream

It's hard to improve upon a classic, but Donna from Cookistry has done just that. She makes the classic root beer float even better by using coffee ice cream and a scratch-made almond whipped cream. (Please excuse us while we run to the store for some root beer...) Click here for the recipe.

Vanilla-Grapefruit Ice Cream Float

Cold, creamy, and super-sweet vanilla ice cream is perfect for this float; it cuts the tart flavor of the grapefruit juice. You might want to mix up two of these pretty, pastel pink floats, created by Today Meal Editor Kristie Collado — they're addicting! Click here for the recipe.

Raspberry Ice Cream Floats

Looking for a fun way to make your ice cream floats special? Dan and Scott from Platter Talk roll the rim of each glass into raspberries and then into coarse turbinado sugar when they're making their delicious raspberry floats. Click here for the recipe.

Bourbon Vanilla and Ginger Beer Float

Today Meal Editor Emma Alpern is on to something here: bourbon vanilla ice cream, ginger beer, and a shot of bourbon? We'll take two, please! Click here for the recipe.