Best Cookies For Kids

What sends kids scurrying to the kitchen in a pitter patter of little feet faster than anything else? Why, the sweet smell of cookies baking in the oven, of course. These special treats are a hallmark of the holiday season, and they're also great for special occasions like birthday parties.

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What is it that makes a cookie especially kid-friendly? Perhaps it's as simple as a familiar sugar cookie taking on a new shape or a new color, or that others mimic classic store-bought favorites with a twist, and some are easy enough to make that kids can help make them, too. So we rounded up a few cookie recipes that fit the bill. Give any of these recipes a try and they're sure to put smiles on everyone's faces.

In a whimsical mood? Then bake up some of these Pink Pig Shortbread Cookies and dance them all over the house before landing them with a splash, face first, in a bowl of milk (they also taste good, too). Or, if you're going for the maximum "ooh-ahh factor" then definitely whip up a batch of these Sweet Jewel Box Cookies that will let you mix and match colors to your heart's content. And purists, don't worry, we have good old chocolate chip, too.

So preheat that oven, sift your flour, and get ready to do some serious baking.

Will Budiaman is the Recipe Editor at Today Meal. Follow him on Twitter @WillBudiaman.