10 Best Restaurants In Ireland And Northern Ireland

First came Today Meal's 101 Best Restaurants in America, then 101 Best Hotel Restaurants Around the World. Now, Today Meal has set its sights on Europe. Each week this fall, Today Meal will highlight the best restaurants in various regions in Europe, culminating with the debut of our first list of the 101 Best Restaurants in Europe in December.

See 10 Best Restaurants in Ireland and Northern Ireland Slideshow

Perennially on the quest to find the best places to eat and dine in cities large and small, Today Meal continues its European culinary tour in Ireland and Northern Ireland (see the first stop: 25 Best Restaurants in England and Scotland).

Today Meal's 10 BEst Restaurants in Ireland and Northern Ireland was carefully curated through a two-month-long nomination process; we consulted the Michelin Guide and other trusted sources and gathered recommendations from Today Meal's editors, who have traveled and dined extensively around the world.

Once we compiled a preliminary list of more than 100 restaurants, we reached out to a panel of knowledgeable judges, comprised of restaurant critics, food and lifestyle writers, and bloggers with wide restaurant-going experience. They added their own favorites, and then voted for the winners. Some of our judges requested anonymity. Some of our judges requested anonymity. Among those we can thank publically are Libby Andrews, Guan Chua, Jonell Galloway-White, Helen Graves, Dino Joannides, Evelyn Kim, Chiara Pannozzo, and Emily Stone, Additional panelists include Anne Dolamore, publisher and cookery editor of Grub Street, Jack Maraffi, the editor-in-chief of The Affluent Traveler, and restaurant critic Ross Golden Bannon.

Panelists voted in two categories: cuisine and style/décor/service. From innovative menu options to plating and presentation to freshness, quality, and taste, panelists evaluated each restaurant's cuisine and only voted for the restaurants which they believe are extraordinary. For the second category, panelists evaluated the dining experience, from the restaurant's interior and dining room ambiance to the service, voting for the restaurants which they believe offer an unrivaled experience. Each restaurant had the chance to be voted on twice during the survey. Finally, the percentage scores from each category were averaged to arrive at the final ranking.