Gregory Lovvorn

Photo of Gregory Lovvorn
Trece Martires, Cavite, Philippines
Northeast Alabama State, York University, Arizona State University
Cooking, Recipe Development, Food Writing
  • Gregg has always been fascinated by food, where it comes from, how it is prepared, and its effects on the body.
  • He has been a full-time writer since 2012. During that time, he has covered a wide variety of subject matter, from nutrition to nuclear waste and from coffee to carbon emissions.
  • Gregg worked as a cook and saucier while in college and has now returned to his first love, food, as a writer and entrepreneur. He and his wife operate a whole foods fusion bistro in the Philippines


Gregg was born in Alabama but was moved frequently in his youth. As an adult, his wanderlust continued until he finally found a home in the Philippines. Though he has worked in many fields across the course of his life, one constant has been time spent in a kitchen. Sometimes professionally and sometimes not. Currently married to a professional chef, he loves to eat and never tires of talking about, writing about, and experiencing new foods.


Gregg holds a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Management from Northeast Alabama State, a small school focusing on STEM subjects. He also studied creative writing at York University and received a TESL Certification from Arizona State.
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Stories By Gregory Lovvorn