Grace Allison

Photo of Grace Allison
University Of Exeter, University Of Brighton
Fruit Varieties, Asian Flavors, Travel And Food
  • Grace has a keen interest in international street food, and she enjoys exploring markets and side alleys to discover curious local delicacies.
  • She worked in a Vietnamese restaurant for almost four years as both a chef and a manager.
  • Currently based in Southeast Asia, she has lived in Vietnam, Thailand, and Malaysia, feeding her insatiable appetite for the local cuisine.


Writing professionally for over six years, Grace is an adventurous food writer with a passion for exploring Asia's diverse culinary scene. With previous experience in a variety of kitchens, Grace is captivated by the intriguing flavor profiles, unique herbs, and cooking techniques that make Asian food some of the most inspiring in the world. She also works with various charities, contributing to causes related to wildlife conservation and women's rights.


Grace studied Criminology at the University of Brighton, focusing on gendered aspects of social harm. She later completed a master's at the University of Exeter in Conflict, Security and Development, where her thesis focused on gender justice in international development.
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Stories By Grace Allison