Garth Clingingsmith

Photo of Garth Clingingsmith
Boston, MA
New England Culinary Institute, Dickinson State University
Home Cooking, Food Production, Kitchen Tools
  • Garth created Cook's Illustrated's Equipment Corner in 2004. That last page feature is a highlight for all cooking gadget enthusiasts. The popularity of those smaller testings and updates led to including an Equipment Roundup feature when Cook's Country was founded in 2006.
  • Writing recipes for America's Test Kitchen's Healthy Air Fryer book sparked a renewed interest for Garth in the growth of countertop appliances, and all the recipes that can be created with them.
  • He developed a curriculum for a class he's taught at community colleges, high schools, and commercial kitchens. Starting with knife skills, this introduction to cooking techniques sets students up for successful entry into food service, or for mastering good cooking in their own homes.


Garth is from America's Breadbasket. He grew up between farms and ranches that shipped those ingredients to far-flung locales. He knows that changing a distant relationship with our food starts at home. Cook's Illustrated was his entry into learning more about what happens inside our pots and pans. After culinary school, he found himself working there. Cook's Country was introduced shortly after he arrived. He spent most of his time there testing kitchen equipment and conducting taste tests of ingredients. Recently, he's been back to what is now America's Test Kitchen as a freelance writer and recipe developer. His experience in kitchens has always been based on his lifelong experience with athletics, both as a teammate and coach. That team-first viewpoint transfers perfectly to kitchens. From working in a bakery in the Rocky Mountains, and a food incubator on the Great Plains, to writing about kitchen ingredients and tools in New England, Garth has lent a hand to profitable (and tasty!) operations.


Garth received a BA in Business Administration from Dickinson State University with an AOS in Culinary Arts from New England Culinary Institute. The combination of business and culinary training has led to a varied career across the food scene.
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Stories By Garth Clingingsmith