Colleen Vanderlinden

Photo of Colleen Vanderlinden
Wayne State University, University Of Detroit Mercy
Edible Gardening, Food Preservation, Cooking For Large Families,
  • As an avid gardener, Colleen naturally developed a fascination with both cooking fresh food from the garden and finding creative ways to preserve the bounty.
  • She's a mother of four, and that, along with her obsession with vegetable and herb gardening, has given her an in-depth, hands-on education in cooking fresh, healthy meals for a crowd.
  • Colleen also worked in a bakery through her high school and early college years, and she fell in love with baking — especially baking bread.


Colleen has written for Mother Earth News, TreeHugger, The Spruce, Love to Know, and The Northern Gardener. She's also the author of three books about growing and preserving food: "Edible Gardening for the Midwest," "Vegetable Gardening for the Midwest," and "Green Tomato Recipes." She combines her passion for growing healthy, fresh food with her dedication to cooking fresh, budget-friendly meals for her family. She's currently working on a project to help people grow, cook, and preserve fresh food, even if all they have is a kitchen windowsill.


Colleen earned a B.A. in English from Wayne State University.
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Stories By Colleen Vanderlinden