Alex Patton

Photo of Alex Patton
New Hampshire, USA
Kennesaw State University
Kitchen Hacks, Food Preservation, Craft Beer
  • Alex has worked in professional kitchens for over a decade and holds a ServSafe Food Protection Manager certification.
  • He makes his own soup stock at home and is obsessed with the challenge of stretching kitchen scraps.
  • He once launched and wrote a weekly column covering the craft beer industry for Creative Loafing Atlanta.


Alex has followed the dual paths of writing and cooking since his teenage years, balancing research papers and his first part-time job washing dishes at a restaurant. He earned his salt through years of cooking in fast-paced kitchens, even while serving as the managing editor at his college newspaper and hustling freelance writing on the side. Alex has written about a broad range of topics, including music, hard news, and real estate, but he is happy to combine his two main passions at Today Meal.


Alex graduated from Kennesaw State University in Georgia with a B.A. in journalism and emerging media
Today Meal Editorial Policies

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Our team also regularly reviews and updates articles as necessary to ensure they are accurate. For more information on our editorial process, view our full policies page.

Stories By Alex Patton