Acclaimed Seafood Restaurant In Porto Destroyed By Waves

Word has belatedly reached us that Shis, a popular contemporary-style seafood restaurant on the Atlantic Coast in the northern Portuguese wine city of Porto, was totally destroyed by raging waves following a tornado in early January. Shis (the name is Portuguese for "x," and is pronounced somewhere between "cease" and "sheesh") was recommended by Today Meal in 5 Bites of Porto — published, ironically, the day the storm hit.

Expecting a high tide to come, restaurant employees had begun removing perishables and valuable table settings (the restaurant flooded under similar circumstances three years ago), but a massive wave hit the place around 4 p.m., knocking it down to joists and plywood. About ten people were in the restaurant when the wave hit, but none were injured. Another restaurant next door, Praia de Luz, suffered only minor damage, including the destruction of glassware.

The owners of Shis promise to rebuild quickly, perhaps reopening by early summer. The new restaurant will occupy the same spot, but be placed a few yards back from the waterline.