9 Quick And Easy Wrap Recipes

For anyone who's in a hurry, wraps are an ideal way to take along a complete meal in a neat, compact package, wherever they may be going. Sure, it's easy enough to pop into the local corner deli and buy a wrap, but making your own at home will allow you to exercise your own creative juices and also to make healthier choices.

Click here to see the 9 Quick and Easy Wrap Recipes Slideshow

For example, the notion of a made-to-order wrap sounds like a good idea, but placing control of exactly how much of each ingredient goes into your meal into the hands of another human being always carries some risk. How many times have their notions of "light on sauce," "light on cheese," or "easy on the mayo" not coincided with yours? As the half-cup of any of the aforementioned elements is slathered onto your wrap, once again, with a resigned sigh, you roll your eyes and pay the price of convenience.

It doesn't have to be that way, though. Even guilty pleasures like chicken Caesar wraps can remain flavorful, sensorial experiences without turning into a fat-laden calorie fest. Here, for example, a quick, easy, and tasty marinade imparts plenty of flavor to the chicken, so that you can go easy on the dressing.

So once again, this week we offer a variety of recipes to choose from, created by the hard-working editorial staff of Today Meal, who are just as pressed for time as you are after work. And, as an added bonus, we are also honored to feature some recipes from our bloggers at the Culinary Content Network; Lyndsy Hassett, author of the Dinnervine, and Alyssa Brantley, author of the Everyday Maven, have generously offered a few wrap recipes as well. OK, time to wrap this up.

Will Budiaman is the Recipe Editor at Today Meal. Follow him on Twitter @WillBudiaman.

This post was originally published on July 27, 2012.