8 Easy Homemade Salad Dressings

When the weather starts to warm up a bit and we transition into spring and summer, lighter fare pops up on dinner tables everywhere. The warm sun ripens fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens that when put together, create fresh and satisfying salads. But don't pour sugary and preservative-filled, store-bought dressings over them; try making your own. We've rounded up some of our favorite easy homemade salad dressings that are perfect over a bed of greens, a fresh mix of fruits, or a pasta salad.

Click here to see the 8 Easy Homemade Salad Dressings (Slideshow)

Making salad dressings at home is easy and nothing compares to the taste of fresh herbs mixed with good olive oil and bright citrus. Light vinaigrettes are easy to make with just a few ingredients on hand. You can even make large batches and keep vinaigrettes refrigerated in jars and until you use them up. Creamy dressings like buttermilk and ranch don't have as long a shelf life, but you can make a mix of dried spices and herbs and keep that in your pantry, and then just mix in the creamy ingredients for a quick and easy dressing.

So, grab a whisk and start making your own salad dressings. They are fast, healthy, and can add a burst of bright and fresh flavor to any salad. Try some of these easy vinaigrettes or creamy dressings to enhance your next bowl of salad.

Balsamic Herb Vinaigrette Recipe

This easy dressing is perfect over a bed of fresh greens.

Click here to see the Balsamic Herb Vinaigrette Recipe

Citrus Vinaigrette Recipe

These tart, tangy, and citrus filled flavors are easy to whisk together and great over a salad.

Click here to see the Citrus Vinaigrette Recipe

Click here to see more Easy Homemade Salad Dressings

Emily Jacobs is the Recipe editor at Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @EmilyRecipes.