5 Amazing Sweet Potato Recipes

With a crisp chill in the air, kitchens everywhere are heating up with root vegetables — and just in time for Thanksgiving, sweet potatoes are at the forefront. Sweet potatoes are also commonly referred to as yams in North America, but the name doesn't change the vibrant-colored flesh or the sweet, starchy flavor. And while baked sweet potatoes and sweet potato fries will always remain a favorite, we've rounded up few of our favorite new recipes.

Click here to see 5 Amazing Sweet Potato Recipes (Slideshow)

Not only do sweet potatoes taste great, but they offer surprising health benefits as well. Sweet potatoes are high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients, and blood-sugar-regulating nutrients, according The World's Healthiest Foods. Delicious and healthy — what's not to love about that?

These recipes cover all the bases. We've mashed them for a take on shepherd's pie, roasted them with other root vegetables, puréed them for a fall soup, and used them in warm, buttery muffins. So check out these recipes and make sweet potatoes a part of your dinner table this season.

Emily Jacobs is the Recipe editor at Today Meal. Follow her on Twitter @EmilyRecipes.