The Storage Mistake That's Turning Your Raspberries Into A Mushy Mess

Fresh berries are a luxury to have lingering in your refrigerator all week. While blueberries have a somewhat longer shelf life than most, varieties like blackberries and raspberries tend to only stay fresh for an average of five days under the best circumstances. In particular, raspberries are softer than other berry varieties, making them more susceptible to spoilage. If you have your sights set on making nectarine and berry parfaits later this week, make sure you've been storing your bright red berries properly. Specifically, if you've been keeping raspberries in their purchased plastic containers, take them out as soon as possible.

Storing raspberries in plastic clamshells may seem like the best storage option since the plastic is hard enough on all sides, which prevents this delicate fruit from becoming bruised or smashed. However, raspberries and moisture don't mix well. Oftentimes, the base of the included container is wet upon purchase. Furthermore, raspberries don't last very long when stacked on top of each other. To keep raspberries fresh for a mere two days, line plastic containers with paper towels to absorb moisture. Yet, if you're looking to keep raspberries longer than you ever thought possible, you're better off storing these fragile fruits using a different method.

How to prevent fresh raspberries from spoiling

The secrets to keeping your fruit fresh are different for each variety. Raspberries need extra special attention to avoid spoiling fast. The issue with vented berry clamshell containers is that moisture may have found a way into these breathable containers before purchase. Berries are also packed together which can damage fruit and lead to mold growth. While many believe that raspberries need ventilation to avoid pre-mature spoilage, taking a few minutes to prep fruit before refrigerating and choosing a different storage container may keep your berries fresh for as long as 14 days.

Even though indirect moisture can lead to raspberries' early decline, strategically washing berries after purchase is essential. Yet, simply rinsing and half-drying berries will only make them spoil faster. In order to rinse berries effectively, use a salad spinner. Line the spinner with a few paper towels and gently spin for up to 10 seconds. From here, allow the berries to dry on paper towels. Utilizing a vinegar soak before spinning also kills off any present bacteria which helps maintain freshness.

Instead of placing clean berries back into their plastic containers, storing them in an airtight container lined with paper towers proves to be the method that keeps fragile berries fresh for the longest amount of time. As long as raspberries are thoroughly washed and dried beforehand, an enclosed container with ample room may keep raspberries fresh for up to two weeks.

More important factors to keep in mind when storing raspberries

Now that you know you can successfully extend the shelf life of your raspberries, there are a few other tips worth following in regard to the storage process. The first step in being able to store raspberries long-term includes careful berry selection at the grocery store or farmer's market. Aim to select vibrant, firm-looking berries that don't appear to have any residual moisture on the surface. Avoid raspberries with hulls as this can be a sign of underripe berries.

Once you've selected the best berries you can find, try to refrigerate them as soon as possible. Since raspberries are more susceptible to spoilage at room temperature, make sure you wash, dry, and store with efficiency. Raspberries should be stored toward the front of your refrigerator as opposed to the far back corners or crisper drawer. Depending on the humidity setting, crisper drawers have the ability to hold in moisture, which affects the shelf-life of fragile berries.

Lastly, remember that keeping raspberries fresh in airtight containers only works if your fruit has been adequately dried. As annoying as it may seem to utilize a salad spinner, this unassuming kitchen gadget removes residual moisture from berries without crushing them. Now that you know what to avoid when storing your favorite summer produce, you may have up to two weeks at a time to tap into the many delicious ways to bake with fresh raspberries.