Easily Mimic Kewpie Mayo With Just 3 Ingredients

Not all mayo is created equal, and it's safe to say that few condiments are as polarizing as this one. Many families have the brands they'll buy and the brands they avoid, and when it comes time to talk about favorites, we have to mention Kewpie. Kewpie was introduced in 1925,  and it was a new twist on mayo: Founder Toichiro Nakashima took mayo, improved it with the addition of extra egg yolks, and created a product with legions of fans. In 1982, Kewpie opened its first production facility in the U.S. and today, it's widely available across the country.

His version is a more decadent, creamier mayo than what Americans had been familiar with, so it's no wonder it's remained such a favorite. Today, one 500-gram bottle of Kewpie contains four egg yolks, which creates an unmistakable umami flavor. The texture is unparalleled, too: That distinctive bottle keeps air out and the mayo fresh, while the all-natural ingredients (and the egg yolk in particular) create a delicious, creamy, never-clumpy mayo. That's great for those who can find it, but what if you want to recreate all the incredible goodness of Kewpie but only have another mayo brand at home? There is an easy way to upgrade another type of mayo with rice wine vinegar and sugar.

How to make imitation Kewpie mayo at home

Here's a fun fact: Mayonnaise was once considered a luxury. That's a bit of historical trivia that goes back to 18th-century France. If you want to whip up a mayo that's going to get the same kind of reaction as it did when it first hit the culinary world as a delicacy, try adding a dash of rice wine vinegar and sugar to your mayonnaise to mimic the tangy taste of Kewpie.

It doesn't take much, either. Let's say you're mixing up a small dish to put on some cheese-filled Juicy Lucy burgers. Use 2 tablespoons of mayo, a teaspoon of rice wine vinegar, and a quarter teaspoon of sugar, mix well, and there's your imitation Kewpie. 

Why does it work? The rice wine vinegar and sugar add a sweet tanginess to the mayo that's lacking in American versions, but it's worth noting that you're just not going to get that same distinctive creaminess that comes with Kewpie, as that's a result of the use of egg yolks. However, you can imitate this, too. Not all American mayo brands are created equal, and if you're heading to the store to pick up a bottle to try this with, opt for yolk-heavy varieties. Brands like Ken's and Hellmann's sell mayos that are made with more yolk than their standard versions, and this will help you recreate that Kewpie creaminess.

There are a few other ingredients you can add to up your mayo game

Kewpie's American mayo is different than its Japanese mayo: The ingredient list of Kewpie's Japanese products includes MSG, which was dropped from the American product in 2017. You can, however, add just a sprinkle of MSG to your Kewpie mayo substitute for an umami kick that makes it just a bit more like the original Japanese version — and the version that used to be available in America. Should you keep MSG in your kitchen? Absolutely: It's widely available and brilliant when stirred into recipes like homemade barbecue sauce.

When you start looking at Kewpie's line of internationally offered products, there's some seriously delicious inspiration to be found. In Australia, you can find sriracha and wasabi-flavored Kewpie, which could be imitated with a dash of sriracha or wasabi powder. In addition to those two flavors, Thailand also sells a cheddar cheese version of Kewpie mayo and a truffle flavor. Add a sprinkling of cheese powder or a dash of truffle oil to your own version, and recreate some international favorites. Use it as a dip for your oven-baked homemade French fries, and trust us when we say you might never use anything else.