14 Of The Unhealthiest Store-Bought Frozen Burritos

You can't deny the convenience of a frozen burrito. These flavorful, easy-to-find delights are just what you need when you don't have the energy to cook something from scratch. And — whether you're having them for breakfast or dinner — you'll be eating in minutes. You can even upgrade frozen burritos surprisingly easily, too. Unfortunately, what you gain in speed, you can lose in nutrition. Few people are probably under the illusion that frozen burritos are health-focused foods, but even if you're prepared for them not to be bursting with wholesomeness, some options out there are shockingly unhealthy.

Frozen burritos are, more often than not, ultra-processed foods which contain long lists of scientific-sounding preservatives and flavorings. They also gain much of their flavor through two key nutrients: saturated fat and sodium. It's recommended that folks get no more than 10% of their calories from saturated fats each day (which equates to around 22 grams on a 2,000-calorie diet) and no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium. Many frozen burritos contain significant amounts of both nutrients and risk covering a large portion of your daily values in just a few bites.

In this article, we determined "unhealthiness" by the quantities of these two ingredients, focusing primarily on saturated fat, and picking frozen burritos that have 5 grams or more per serving. We also looked at other nutritional factors, such as a lack of protein, when making our choices.

1. Tina's Red Hot Beef Big Burrito

Frozen burritos can often be surprisingly small. So if you're craving one that's a little closer to the size of some of America's best restaurant burritos, Tina's Red Hot Beef Big Burrito seems like a good choice. This burrito weighs in at 255 grams, packing in way more food than some of its closest competitors. You might think twice about buying it when you see its saturated fat and sodium content, though. In every burrito, there's a massive 13 grams of saturated fat, covering 65% of your daily recommended value. On the sodium front, chowing down on one of these burritos will deliver 1,210 milligrams, well over half of the amount you should be getting daily.

It's hard to avoid sodium and saturated fat entirely, of course, and it's important to remember that they're fine to consume in lower quantities. It's when you start eating too much of them that things can become unhealthy. Eating too much sodium can have an impact on our cardiovascular system and organs, whereas consuming lots of saturated fat can impact our cholesterol levels, according to Orlando Health. Both can have a long-term impact on our risk of heart disease.

2. El Monterey XXL Beef & Bean Burrito

El Monterey's XXL Beef & Bean Burrito is an item that's pretty true to its name. Weighing 228 grams, this burrito is one of the biggest on the market, while still being small enough to stash in your freezer without taking up too much space. However, that larger size also means that its various nutritional quantities are higher, and picking this burrito will see you having a fair amount of saturated fat and sodium in one go.

There are 7 grams of saturated fat in each El Monterey XXL Beef and Bean Burrito — presumably provided by the combination of beef and vegetable oil in each flour tortilla. This amount is 35% of your daily value. The burrito also contains 0.5 grams of trans fat, which can also impact your cholesterol significantly. Plus, every wrap has 620 milligrams of sodium in it (over a quarter of your daily recommended amount). Along with saturated fats, trans fats can cause a build-up of cholesterol in your arteries, impacting your blood flow and heart health, according to MedlinePlus. Limiting your intake of these fasts whenever possible can be a good choice for your overall health.

3. Jimmy Dean Meat Lovers Breakfast Burrito

If you want to start your day with something meaty, Jimmy Dean's got something to sell you. Its Meat Lovers Breakfast Burritos are packed with sausage and bacon (as well as eggs and cheese), and its packaging does a pretty good job at making the burrito seem bulging and abundant. Dig below the surface, though, and you might be surprised. For all its claims of being made for meat fans, these burritos have a fairly low amount of protein in them, with just 12 grams per serving. To put this into perspective, this is less than the amount you'd get from two large boiled eggs.

Those eggs would also give you way less saturated fat and sodium. Each of these burritos has a substantial 7 grams of saturated fat per portion (35% of your daily value). Its sodium content is even more shocking, packing in 920 milligrams per portion — which covers a whopping 40% of your daily recommended amount — and that's all before you hit lunch. If that wasn't bad enough, the single gram of fiber in each burrito means that its capacity to satisfy your hunger is limited to its protein content, which is lacking.

4. Alpha Foods Plant-Based Mexicali Burrito

In a world where vegan products are becoming more and more sophisticated every day, it's pretty easy to find quality plant-based products. For burrito lovers embracing a vegan lifestyle, the Alpha Foods Vegan Mexicali Burrito can feel like it's sent from heaven. However, don't expect it to be healthier than versions containing meat. This burrito might be made with plant-based protein, but it's also stuffed with saturated fat. Each burrito, which weighs just 142 grams, contains 9 grams of saturated fat, almost half your daily value.

The sodium content in this burrito also isn't great. Each Alpha Foods Vegan Mexicali Burrito has 470 milligrams of sodium. While this isn't the highest amount out there, it's still 20% of your daily value, and it's provided in a relatively small amount of food. As for the plant-based protein that's in each burrito, it unfortunately doesn't give much by way of actual protein. In every burrito, there are 12 grams per portion. Given that most adults need around 50 grams per day, this isn't a significant amount.

5. Red's Meat Lovers Breakfast Burrito

Red's Meat Lovers Sausage & Egg Burrito is a chunky offering. Although this burrito isn't the heaviest on the market, weighing 142 grams per serving, it manages to pack in 350 calories of energy and 15 grams of protein. If you're looking for a substantial breakfast burrito, so far, so good — until you take a look at its saturated fat and sodium content. Every one of these burritos has 5 grams of saturated fat, comprising 25% of your daily value. It's not the largest amount out there in a breakfast burrito, but it isn't an especially attractive quantity to eat first thing in the morning, either. Sodium-wise, things are slightly worse, with 690 milligrams of sodium taking up 30% of your daily value.

This burrito, like so many others, can be classed as an ultra-processed food. These foods are highly convenient and offer a lot of flavor in one go, but this flavor is usually provided by an absolutely enormous amount of ingredients. Unfortunately, all of these ingredients come at a cost, and making ultra-processed foods a regular part of your diet can lead to a higher risk of multiple health complications, including obesity, cancers, and heart disease, according to the American Medical Association.

6. Good Food Made Simple Cheese & Veggies Breakfast Burrito

There are a lot of things about this burrito that tell you it's good for you. There's the fact that it has "good" in its brand name, for a start, as well as the word "simple" and the promise of a burrito made from wholesome ingredients. However, you might not want to take this one at face value. Good Food Made Simple's Cheese & Veggies Breakfast Burrito is still relatively high in saturated fat, with 6 grams per portion. Providing 30% of your daily value in one go, this burrito is more fat-filled than many other options out there.

Luckily, its sodium content is not quite as bad, clocking in at 410 milligrams — but again, that's also not the lowest quantity out there. Good Food Made Simple's burrito's saturated fat content seems to come from the combination of cheddar and the often slept-on Monterey Jack in every portion. Just because you recognize these ingredients, though, doesn't mean they're healthy. Just like any other ingredient high in saturated fat, cheese can contribute to high blood pressure and cholesterol.

7. Tina's Beef & Bean Green Chili Burrito

Tina's is one of the biggest names in the frozen burrito market, and its Beef & Bean Green Chili Burrito stands out for its promise of nutritious beans and a tangy taste. Don't be mistaken, though; those beans don't make it that much healthier. Every one of these burritos has 6 grams of saturated fat (30% of your daily value). As well as this, the burritos have 460 milligrams of sodium in each, roughly one-fifth of the maximum you should be consuming per day.

As for all of those beans, well, they don't exactly add up to much. Although they do give this burrito 2 grams of fiber (considering that the ideal amount is around 25 to 30 grams daily, though, that's not exactly great), they don't help to boost its measly protein content of just 8 grams. Protein plays a huge part in the day-to-day function of our bodies: Not only does it give us energy, but it also helps to repair tissue. We don't think that's enough protein for a main meal.

8. Evol Bean, Rice & Cheddar Burrito

As a company, Evol is committed to making foods that look and taste like the real thing, combining frozen convenience with good quality. Hey, look, we're not gonna argue with that mission. We just wish that the nutritional content of some of its burritos was a little more appealing. This is the case with its Bean, Rice & Cheddar Burrito.  Upon first glance, it looks pretty good. There are identifiable ingredients on its ingredients, 5 grams of fiber, and only 270 milligrams of sodium. 

But once you hit the saturated fat content, things go downhill. Each of these burritos has 7 grams of saturated fat, 35% of your daily value. This amount is equivalent to several other burritos available, which are made with way more complicated, processed ingredients. There's been a lot of debate around saturated fat in the past few years, and questions about its true unhealthiness have been raised. Importantly, though, while some have sought to minimize the impact it can have, many decades of studies have proved, time and time again, that it can impact your heart health – so don't be fooled into thinking that these burritos are super healthy.

9. Alpha Foods Meatless Sausage Breakfast Burrito

We absolutely love the fact that there are so many plant-based alternatives to favorite foods out there these days. What we don't love, however, is the fact that so many of these alternatives just aren't that good for you. This is proved by the Alpha Foods Meatless Sausage Breakfast Burrito, which has nutritional info that rivals its meaty cousins.

As with so many frozen burritos, its saturated fat and sodium content is pretty rough-looking. On the saturated fat front, you're getting 7 grams, 35% of your daily value. Combine that with 490 milligrams of sodium (over 20% of your daily value) and an ingredients list as long as your arm, and you've got a burrito that suddenly doesn't look so good.

It's always important to look beyond the terms "meatless" or "plant-based" with these products, and assess exactly how they're made. Plant-based meat products are frequently highly processed, with various ingredients added to improve texture, flavor, and mouthfeel. Some vegan proteins can also be lacking in essential components like amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

10. José Olé Beef & Cheese Burrito

Everything about José Olé's Beef & Cheese Burrito seems to promise big flavor. With its colorful packaging and admittedly appetizing-looking burrito on its wrapper, we don't blame you for wanting to dig in. However, all of that flavor comes from a huge amount of sodium. In every Beef & Cheese Burrito, there are 700 milligrams of sodium (approximately 30% of your daily value). Bear in mind, too, that this burrito isn't that much bigger than others. At 142 grams, all of that salt is just being packed in more tightly.

Its saturated fat content is also not great. Each burrito has 5 grams of saturated fat, making up 25% of your daily value — not the highest amount out there for a frozen burrito, but definitely not the lowest. Importantly, salt doesn't just add flavor to your food. High sodium intake can increase water retention, which contributes to the risk of hypertension, according to research published in the European Society of Cardiology. Over time, this hypertension can lead to a higher risk of dangerous heart-related conditions.

11. ‌Red's Organic Four Cheese Burrito

The "organic" label can be pretty comforting. Given that organic foods are made without the use of man-made fertilizers or pesticides, they seem to promise a healthier, more wholesome eating experience. That's not necessarily the case with Red's Organic Four Cheese Burrito, though. This frozen burrito, like so many others out there, is full of saturated fat and sodium.

Each of these burritos has 7 grams of saturated fat, provided by the generous amount of cheese placed in each tortilla. This cheese also spikes its salt levels, and fills the burrito with 620 milligrams of sodium (27% of your daily value). It also has a fairly low amount of fiber, with just 2 grams per serving and somewhat curiously, a gram of added sugar. Remember: While organic food might be grown in more eco-friendly ways and reduces the risk of consuming unnecessary additional substances, it's not necessarily more nutritious. Whether you're getting your sodium and saturated fat from organic or non-organic sources, it'll impact you in the same way.

12. Jimmy Dean Sausage Breakfast Burrito

Jimmy Dean's breakfast burritos can seem like a good choice if you just need something hot, quick, tasty, and affordable. It's worth remembering, though, that the food company doesn't exactly excel when it comes to nutritional content. This is proved by its Sausage Breakfast Burritos, a seemingly simple breakfast item that's full of saturated fat and sodium. Each burrito has 7 grams of saturated fat, and 880 milligrams of sodium, putting them on par with some of the unhealthiest out there. With just a single gram of fiber and a fairly underwhelming vitamin and mineral content, it's safe to say that it doesn't provide much in other areas, either.

These nutritional quantities would be worrying no matter what time of the day you're eating them, but at breakfast they're especially concerning. Breakfast is, after all, how you set yourself up for the day. Eating a high-fiber breakfast with lots of healthy fats and protein can leave you satisfied and make healthier choices for the rest of your meals. Doing the opposite, which can happen if you eat one of these breakfast burritos, may lead to poorer dietary choices throughout the day.

13. El Monterey Beef & Bean Green Chili Burrito

El Monterey's Beef & Bean Green Chili Burrito kinda feels more like a snack than a main meal. Coming in an eight-pack and with each burrito weighing in at just 113 grams and providing 290 calories of energy, they don't quite feel big enough to satisfy your hunger long-term. So that's why it's surprising that their saturated fat and sodium contents are what they are. Each El Monterey Beef & Bean Green Chili Burrito contains 5 grams of saturated fat and 380 milligrams of sodium — 25% and 16% of your daily values for each nutrient.

If these amounts were in a more substantial and filling main meal, they wouldn't look so bad, but in a piece of food that's so small, they're a different story. Eating prepackaged snacks is one of the most likely ways to consume ultra-processed foods, and in these snacks, convenience is often placed above nutrition. Although it's difficult to cut ultra-processed foods out of your diet entirely, opting for healthier snacks and whole foods wherever possible can help you improve your nutritional intake.

14. Good Food Made Simple Uncured Bacon Breakfast Burrito

We can't get over the feeling that Good Food Made Simple's burritos should be more nutritious than they are. While they're made with an ethos that's clearly admirable, and ingredients including free-range, antibiotic-free eggs and nitrate-free meat, they're still fairly high in saturated fat and sodium. Good Food Made Simple's Uncured Bacon Breakfast Burrito is a particularly clear example of this: With 7 grams of saturated fat and 660 milligrams of sodium, this is one of the fattiest, saltiest burritos on the market.

It's also worth noting that Good Food Made Simple's Uncured Bacon Breakfast Burrito has a surprising amount of cholesterol in it. With 95 milligrams per serving, this burrito provides approximately a third of your daily value. Crucially, dietary cholesterol is different from blood cholesterol, and consuming it hasn't been associated with a greater risk of heart disease. Having said this, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends you try and consume as little as possible without completely overhauling your diet.