Here's How Long That Opened Bottle Of Apple Juice Really Lasts

If you want to add more flavorful variety to your daily repertoire of drinks, grab a bottle of apple juice on your next trip to the grocery store. This drink is a tart and flavorful way to round out your next midday salad or spiral ham sandwich. But if you rarely buy apple juice, you may have forgotten about it in the back of the refrigerator and now you're wondering how long an opened bottle actually lasts. 

The answer to this question depends on the type you purchased. Apple juice comes in many different forms and can be found in various sections throughout your local grocery store. Sealed, unopened bottles of shelf-stable versions last between three and 24 months depending on the marked expiration date. Once these varieties are opened, however, it drastically reduces their shelf-life. Nevertheless, opened bottles of apple juice stay perfectly drinkable for 10 days when properly stored in your refrigerator. 

Unfortunately, any opened bottle of apple juice that's been left at room temperature beyond two hours is no longer safe to consume.  While there are obvious discrepancies between opened versus unopened apple juice, there are also differences between the many types of apple juice available for purchase.

How long your apple juice lasts depends on which type it is

Before grabbing leftover apple juice to wash down your next meal or make sparkling sangria mocktails, you need to consider the type of drink you have stored in your refrigerator. Even though shelf-stable and refrigerated versions may be the most popular, they are not all created equal. You might regularly purchase canned apple juice, since unopened, which lasts up to one year. However, once the seal has been broken, the canned varieties should be consumed within 10 days. 

Concentrated apple juice is also a popular choice since it stores nicely in your freezer. Yet upon thawing and opening, it will only last one week. So it is important to use this one up on the quicker side. 

Conversely, if you're a fan of cold-pressed juice, then you already know it has a shorter life span. Homemade or made-to-order bottles should be consumed within 48 hours for optimum freshness and quality of nutrients. You may be able to extend the shelf life a day or two by adding more acidity into the mix with lemon juice. Commercially purchased bottles of cold-pressed juice last up to three weeks unopened due to high-pressure processing. However, once opened, consume sealed bottles within two to three days. 

Common signs of spoilage in opened bottles of apple juice

Luckily, if you don't remember when you opened that bottle in your refrigerator, use your five senses to determine the quality of your juice. Sure enough, there are some tell signs indicating it's no longer safe to consume. If your drink has accrued any mold or discoloration, discard the remains. If your apple juice is stored in a carton and the packaging seems to have expanded over time and releases a big gust of air when opened, this is most likely due to fermentation and you should avoid consuming it.

If the remains of your opened bottle also smell extra sour or unlike sweet apple juice, this is a solid indication of spoilage. Fermentation may cause it to smell and taste like alcohol or vinegar. However, if your opened bottle of juice passes the test regarding color, aroma, and taste then your juice may still be safe to drink. 

Just make sure to proceed with caution and use your best judgment. To avoid consuming spoiled juice in the future, take an extra step and write the date you opened your drink on the outside of the bottle with a permanent marker. Now you can safely drink a leftover glass or even marinate your pork chops in apple juice without having any feelings of doubt or unease.