Costco Shoppers Are Still Salty About Kirkland's Failed Light Beer

Being a Costco member is like being a part of an exclusive club many wish they could join. Among all the benefits of a Costco membership, next to saving precious dollars on large quantities of name-brand products, shoppers also take advantage of Costco's in-house private-label Kirkland Signature products. Yet, with Costco (as a business) valuing efficiency and cost-effectiveness, some Kirkland products fail to stand the test of time. Costco works to stock only those private-label products that customers want and purchase regularly. While some items are discontinued due to seasonal availability or supply chain issues, some products disappear due to poor customer reviews.

Costco Kirkland's light beer seemed like a steal when it graced warehouse shelves across the country: A 48-count case cost only $22. While certain customers took advantage of this deal, and a select few went to extremes promoting this Miller Lite alternative in homemade advertisements via YouTube, Kirkland's light beer was discontinued in 2018 due to an overwhelming amount of negative comsumer reviews.

Even though years have passed since Kirkland's light beer was discontinued, Costco customers are still quick to air their grievances with this once-promising cost-saving spirit. Before we uncover the current complaints still making their way through social media channels, it's easy to see how some of the initial reviews caused this cost-effective beer to lose stock on Costco shelves for good.

The demise of Costco Kirkland's light beer had everything to do with taste

Initially, the price of Costco Kirkland's light beer was tantalizing enough for many customers to give this product a real shot. However, once beer-ranking websites and reviews from customers started hitting social media platforms like Reddit, the demise of this private-label alternative was seemingly inevitable. On RateBeer these light cans received a less-than-satisfactory ranking of 1.97 out of 5 while BeerAdvocate's average rating was 2.5 out of 5. While most of the positive comments on Beer Advocate centered around the price, one reviewer stated the beer tasted "worse than any light or ice beer" on the market and advised consumers to "stick with PBR." Another claimed the product tasted like "battery acid."

After Costco Kirkland's light beer was discontinued in 2018, select customers questioned its disappearance on social media. One customer replied to a Reddit thread claiming they bought a case during their college years but never mustered up the courage to finish it due to the unsavory taste. Even though Costco didn't win any awards for having the best light beer, in 2023, Costco customers are still finding themselves reminiscing on the high hopes they had for this cost-effective light beer alternative.

Costco shoppers can't let go of Kirkland's discontinued light beer

Even though bitter Costco customers may be able to find solace in the current guide to Kirkland beer, many continue to vent about the brand's forgotten light beer online. In a Reddit thread concerning Costco products that aren't up to snuff, one user talks down about the company's decision to debut this disappointing ale claiming "I don't care if its been a decade, I am never forgiving them for that." That one comment alone received over 700 upvotes from Reddit users. In another thread on Reddit posted just a few months ago titled "Kirkland Signature light beer appreciation post" most social media users spent their time talking down about the light beer, yet there seemed to be one positive attribute upon further reflection.

One user acknowledged that while Kirkland's light beer variety didn't taste great, it "couldn't be beat for parties and drinking games" since the cost came to around 50 cents per can. In June of 2023, Costco reposted an Instagram photo of a couple holding drinks from Costco, one of which was a can of Kirkland light beer. Many Instagram users are curious as to whether or not this product is going to make a comeback but Costco has yet to confirm or deny further speculation. For the bulk retailer to bring back its infamous light ale, maintaining the low cost while upgrading the taste may just satisfy those disgruntled Costco customers still living in the past.