Your Leftover Canned Tuna Oil Makes A Uniquely Flavorful Fried Egg

As you probably know, canned tuna comes packed in either oil or water, which most of us drain off and throw away. However, if you've got oil-packed tuna on your hands, rather than chucking that liquid in the bin, you might be surprised to hear that there's another way to use it: frying an egg.

Although the oil had tuna packed in it, that liquid is still oil, meaning you can use it as you typically would this type of fat. Because tuna has been marinating in it for a while, the oil will absorb some of the flavor of the fish. The resulting product is packed with a meaty, umami taste, which can enhance a simple fried egg by giving it a new depth of flavor. Once you've made your egg, you can pop it on some toast and, if you want, even add the tuna meat from the can. Or, drizzle it with Sriracha for a spicy kick. Another way to enjoy it is with chopped scallions and perhaps a drizzle of soy sauce on top. Another option is to scramble your eggs rather than frying them, which will help further incorporate that tuna taste.

If you want to try this trick, it pays to know more about what type of oil you're working with and how else you can use it. That way, you'll have plenty of reasons to use this liquid the next time you pop open a can of tuna.

What to know about using leftover canned tuna oil

Beyond the fishy flavor canned tuna oil is infused with — which will play a role in any dish you make with it — it's also important to know what type of oil is inside the can. Although it can vary depending on the manufacturer, tuna is primarily packed in either soy or vegetable oil. It's a neutral-tasting and smelling choice that will absorb the tuna's salty, briny flavors during the canning process. 

Another important thing to note is tuna isn't the only type of canned fish packed in oil. You'll often find other sea creatures stored this way, too. For instance, there's tasty canned salmon, which has an oily yet mild taste, or salty, umami-packed canned anchovies. As with canned tuna, you can use that oil to cook numerous dishes; experimentation is part of the fun.

Although this leftover fat is a fantastic way to elevate a fried egg, this is far from the only food you can enhance with canned fish oil. Try using this flavorful ingredient to saute vegetables, in a salad dressing, or as a fancy dip for bread.

What about leftover canned tuna water?

If you prefer to use canned tuna packed in water, you might wonder if you can save the leftover liquid in the same way or if it's best to pour it down the drain. It's not oil — so it won't serve for frying — but there are still ways that you can use up canned tuna water.

The water can add flavor and moisture to whatever you're making with the rest of your canned tuna. For example, you can use this ingredient to bolster a tuna casserole. Or, you could try it in a sauce. The same logic applies to other tinned fish. However, regardless of how you use the water, note that it tends to be high in sodium, so be mindful of your seasoning.

The bottom line is that getting rid of the liquid isn't always the answer when working with tinned fish. With a bit of resourcefulness, there are several ways that you can use it up and avoid waste while also enhancing the flavor of your food.