What You Need To Know About The Current Cantaloupe Recall

If you're a big fan of cantaloupe, you might want to pay attention: There is a massive recall happening. Since October 17, the CDC warns, at least 99 people have reported becoming infected with salmonella after consuming cantaloupe. The outbreak has affected 32 states, and there have been two deaths reported — both in Minnesota.

According to the FDA, specific brands have been recalled. "Whole fresh cantaloupes" with a label that reads, "'Malichita' or 'Rudy,' '4050,' and 'Product of Mexico/produit du Mexique,'" is the wording posted on the agency's website. Crown Jewels Produce, TruFresh, and Pacific Trellis are three other brands the FDA lists; the Crown Jewels brand would have a "Malachita/Z Farms" label, while the TruFresh products have a "Malachita" or "Rudy" label.

In addition to whole cantaloupe, precut cantaloupe has also been recalled. Aldi and Vineyard are two brands listed; the FDA has complete details on best-by dates, lot codes, and states impacted on its website, as well as additional links for more information. Anyone who has purchased whole or sliced cantaloupe is encouraged to check its label.

The salmonella outbreak could be underreported

Often, those with salmonella food poisoning recover independently and don't need to see a doctor. When this happens, cases can go largely unreported, meaning the outbreak could be impacting more people and more states than we know of, per the CDC. Symptoms of salmonella typically include fever, diarrhea, and general abdominal pain and cramping, and they can start anywhere from one to three days after eating contaminated food. While severe infections are generally rare, they're more common in young children and older adults, as well as anyone who is immunocompromised; death is rare but can happen.

If you're unsure whether you purchased cantaloupe that is part of the recall, the CDC recommends throwing it out to be on the safe side. The CDC also reports that it's still investigating the outbreak to know whether other products could be involved. It's unclear how the salmonella outbreak started.